Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Exactly, a very loose indicator that is actually fuck all good to us. Because we don’t know the true number of infected your 18% figure means nothing.

The LC should not have been cancelled in my opinion, send them into the exam centres with masks and 2m apart. You can be sure the little cunts aren’t obeying any social distancing guidelines anyway. It’s a load of bollox to ensure teacher can sit on their holes for the summer.


Teachers are going to get dogs abuse from parents now. Although they’ll probably get a few bob for marking papers.

For its flaws at least the leaving was fair.

There’s no chance of them keeping students engaged now so it’s basically the end of the year for 6th years you’d assume

In fairness they now have to be professional. Handy 5 month holiday will soften the blow for them

Jesus knew it mainly affected the elderly but that’s crazy. Did you get that from a tweet or what?

Have any of them?All I see is loads of them hanging about together.No difference to doin a few exams.Fuckin teachers would sicken your hole.


The asterisk represent groups of deaths of 5 or less people. So there is deaths in those groups. But not many somewhere between 4 and 20

Things aren’t so bad.


You now have the bizarre situation that every class in a school will do exams this year apart from Junior Cert and Leaving Cert afaik

We’re nearly there now lads. Don’t deviate. Stick to the plan.

The only reason we are still locked down is because the HSE have failed to put in place the efficient testing system they’ve been talking about since March.

Outdoor workers should have been heading back to work last week and definitely should be this coming week, but instead it’s going to be the heading into the middle of June before we put any real life back into the economy.

They have been buying for time and using other countries as excuses. We are going to be lagging 6 weeks behind Denmark in relaxing our measures.


ICU Figure down to 72

We are going to have no cases, no excess deaths and no one in ICU and the whole country will be at home making brownies


For all the previous talk of ventilators are lives being saved by them if it progresses that far that they are required? For those that end up in ICU are many recovering or are they mostly leaving in body bags?

But sure the first sign of someone sneezing in public that cunt Varadkar will be told to put us all back inside straight away.


We’re pretty much behind everyone in Europe in terms of opening things up again. Even places that were worse hit than Ireland was. Apart from the Brits that is but they have their own shit show to deal with.

All the while businesses that have survived generations are closing and people’s livelihoods are being destroyed.

This is becoming scandalous

The Micks think they are on holiday ffs

Holding the line is proving difficult. Our estate has gone full @gilgamboa today. My kids are extremely pissed off. Giving out about going to the beach when they SHOULD be playing with their friends. There’s a water fight happening outside…

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You need to go full Barry Glendenning on that