Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Its great mate, 3 podcasts listened to today in the roasting hot.

And you’re saving lives by doing so.

18 deaths

219 cases

Nearly there lads. Don’t quit on us now


Hold the line lads

Open the fuck up and drive on

It’s all over with regard to neighbours kids playing together. Hard to explain to them about the r0 rate and statistical models. OIUTF seems to be the message loud and clear from the younger generation

Yeah and fuck the vulnerable.Talking through your pocket,yeah?


Here’s an interesting and shocking statistic for those that say fuck the economy, we’ll be grand. 2008/09 is now a walk in the park compared to this collapse, we haven’t even started to see the real impact yet. The last time an economy was destroyed and millions of jobs were lost was the collapse of the USSR in 1989. In the eight years following the collapse, alcohol was responsible for or involved in 54% of all deaths recorded in Russia. The normal rate for a healthy country is 4%.

A sobering statistic.


Take personal responsibility dont visit people cocooning. Stay in if you want. Go out at your own risk. Stop treating people like children by keeping the lockdown going. We have achieved what it was intended to do by suppressing the virus in the community. Only reason this farce is going because ffg made a fuck up around nursing home causing hundreds of deaths. Personally I’ve been working the whole way through this on site for a majority so my pockets fine, I’m concerned for people who arent as lucky


We’ll be grand, the economy will look after itself. We’re all too busy baking brownies.

Sensible enough post but you’re basing your opinion on what you’d do.And you’re obviously a decent sort.
The majority of the public wouldn’t behave similar and that’s the problem.
For every 1 fella that behaves,you’ll have multiples of that,that will not and selfish behaviour will lead to a second wave of this.

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Those people already are out ignoring it. Waste of garda time setting up checkpoints when all you’ve to say is I’m going shopping below. Again anyone who’s at risk will tell people stay away and continue to get stuff delivered. Again people in situations where they cant return to work due to living with or caring for an at risk person should get leeway. Evidence showing its dropping and it’s looking likely that this is second wave. I agreed 5 weeks ago with lockdown as it was the correct decision then but it’s become a farce

If the goal is to stop a second wave (or third, or fourth), and a lockdown is the solution, then you likely have to stay locked down forever. This virus is not going away and most likely will mutate and become seasonal.


I know it’s not going away and the likelihood of a vaccine is slim.
I’m firmly of the opinion that this thing was here from late November,most of us had it,didn’t realise and I wouldn’t trust the Chinese as far as I’d throw them.Those fuckers need manners put on them.


Not a huge surprise, but air travel the biggest factor in the growth rate of Covid-19 according to this study. Cities like New York and London which are major air travel hubs have been decimated. Countries like New Zealand, Denmark and Austria effectively closed their borders after their first cases were detected and have the lowest cases and death rates. Austria for example refuses entry to anyone unless they have a certificate stating they tested negative for COVID-19.

Can someone confirm that there are still 100,000 travelers arriving at UK airports each week, with no health checks whatsoever? It would seem obvious that testing all arrivals is going to become standard.

People checking your temperature will be standard for the next while, everytime you go the cinema, shopping centre, work etc.

The best we can hope for is they don’t decide to use rectal thermometers here

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Temperature no good for detecting the asymptomatic though. I’d say rapid testing at airports will be the norm, and for those working in and visiting hospitals, nursing homes, etc.

The Rathkeale lads have it sorted