Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hold firm


The health minister is a mug alright.


A lot of people out and about y’day but seemed to be in groups of families etc. and consciously giving each other space etc.

People have adapted and it seems a way that life can go on

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Sinn Fein want the payments to continue until December

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If there is no spike in Europe by next Sunday we should have the Munster Championship back by the 24th.

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Should be on the way to Cark now to bate the rebels

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I’d say I’d be waking up in a Cork hotel in a haze of stoutfart but ready for action about now.

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I passed the coffee shop in central Porto earlier and it was like closing time outside a pub. People all over the place.

Was chatting to a Garda yesterday at a check point, he was saying it’s much busier and people are sick of it. He was talking like someone who was sick of it too.

I had similar yesterday morning. He thinks the whole thing is a load of bollix. He was firmly in the OIUTF camp.

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It’s a PR exercise at this stage, but they’ll have to be kept going until other restrictions are lifted.

Yep. Six weeks ago gardai were patrolling a near empty Porto beach and were pulling lads out of the sea asking for id. Not a sign of them yesterday and it was jammers.

The surfers down here were clearing lads from the water if they didn’t recognise them. They’ve gone back to being chilled out now.

I wonder is one big reason they are so afraid to open it up is that because they have kept the case definition for testing so narrow up to now that they have no real idea how prevalent it is in the wider community.

Ah they’ve made a total fucking balls of it. The only thing they’ve done well is throw money at the economy, whatever is left of it.

Waste of their timing asking were people are going. The amount of people doing groceries must be mad

PPE will cost HSE €1 billion this year, says CEO Paul Reid

Holy mother of God!

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Surely there is somewhere in Ireland that can retool to manufacture PPE when there is that kind of demand for it?


There must be. The UFC were advertising branded masks last night ffs. We surely have a factory somewhere that would love that contract