Coronavirus - Close the Airports

There is a factory in Kilmallock flat to the boards making it

Tusla sending kids to Carlingford Adventure Center during the lockdown :man_shrugging:t2::roll_eyes:

12 Deaths

236 cases

How many tests are we doing now a day?

Professor Levitt firmly in the open it up ta fuck camp.

are we still eulogising our so called “frontline” staff like they are fellas going over the top at the Battle of Verdun?

clap yere hands and wave the flags there lads - FFS

I can’t imagine the Kilmallock place can make the quantity of the Chinese, nor can they make it for the price.

I’m not giving up on summer yet.

Then continue to hold firm.

Roisin laying it on the line for the zoomers

Are they back rocking and rolling fully in China these days?

If they are, it would fill me with great confidence.

Dont believe the Chinese.

Elon Musk claimed they are backing 100%, hes slightly more believable than the chinese

I wouldn’t believe a word Musk says either


A poor mans Paddy Cosgrave

Could they not just nuke the place now and be done with it?

You couldn’t trust him to tell you the time in a room full of clocks.

Pretty damning if true

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