Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Agreed. The Germans shouldn’t be bugging the WHO.

Nobody will say boo to the Chinese regardless. Everyone was happy for them to make everything as cheaply as possible when they wanted to maximize their profits in good times. That reliance comes at a price in bad times. The west needs China now. And China know it and will continue to act the bollix knowing that they will escape with a slap on the wrist at most


Just the racist agenda of Trump at play here.


Sure the Russians annexed another country and shot a passenger jet out of the sky and escaped any real punishment.

Could they not give him a few slaps for good measure?

He is… ? Since when?

Great to see some random Singaporean companies bailing out those useless cunts across the water.


Post-colonial Stockholm syndrome?

He’s a scientist. If one thing has been proven over the past two months it’s that scientists haven’t a notion.

Did you read it? Reckons we have a great health service. Open it up ta fuck.

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These creeps and dweebs actually think this is all about them.

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15 deaths.

139 cases

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What we need are a couple of graphs


Whos this fella stuttering his way through the Press Conference?

What’s the ICU number?

Don’t think there’s a direct line…


Another month of making brownies