Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Dr Cervical Check says no

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0 mammograms carried out in Ireland in April 2020.

Over 21,000 mammograms carried out in Ireland in April 2019.

Damning headline story on the news tonight.


Cannot close down health service indefinitely to manage Covid 19 risk.

Having said that lots of research that routine mammograms don’t actually save lives.

Claire Byrne Show now. Very upsetting testimony from nursing home employees.

We love a good tribunal. I feel we need another one to air out the clusterfuck that’s killed hundreds in nursing homes

Yes, my Mrs was due one (purely precautionary) but she got a call last month and that said they wouldn’t have a clue when it would be rescheduled to

Are others really breaking the shutdown rules? Or is it just our perception?

Serious media brain washing going on to tell the public all is grand.

When I was out for a walk yesterday there were too many other people also out for walks, or, as I was out driving traffic was definitely heavier than previous days when I was driving, seem to be the general complaint of the Liveline types


Relax. You’re doing really really good. Stay the course.

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I’ve seen alot of young fellas out cycling together in large groups (mountain bikes to get around rather than lycra gobshites) and good crowds playing soccer and hurling. Driving around definitely busier. I remember the first 2 weeks the place was dead

Better than some but o seriously question how long this can last cracks are showing

People are done. Simple as.


Yup. We were told that after the June bank holiday we’re back. End of

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The roadmap is there. We’re moving towards the exits. Dont rush. We’ll all get there at the right time.

Arrive alive.

Roadmap will be pulled in. We’ll be back at it on July 19th to celebrate Galway being liberated from the Indians

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Pretty heartbreaking article here by the actor Rory Kinnear

I’d say 90 to 95 pc of people are following what the government is saying and keeping to themselves social distancing etc. If you lived in a town with 20k people that would be still around 1000 people blatantly breaking it teens hanging together etc so seems very big.
Its still 19,000 people who are changing their habits so it must have a big enough effect.

whats a mammogram?

glad to hear that