Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Only when shopping though, even though that’s all we’ve been allowed do

They can’t tell people to wear them when none are available is the problem.


They should at least add a 10% margin on to them.

I think Holohan and/or Leo/Simon will start dropping hints today about how we are “touch and go” with the numbers and how it’s not certain yet that restrictions will be lifted. They need to maximise viewership for the press conference Friday

My Mrs can make anything with a sewing machine. Her auld fella, who has barely left the house since this thing started, rang her last week because he had a doctor appointment (prostate cancer a few years back) and needed a mask made pronto (she used an old pillow case and had it together in two minutes). The problem she says is that all supplies of elastic have sold out.


He can’t be taken seriously

He got over pancreatic cancer?

oh jaysus, I meant to say prostrate cancer…fucking hell. lack of sleep last night. Apologies.


I hope you don’t work for the HSE

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He is over it though? Which is the main thing


I certainly don’t

Thank fuck,I wouldn’t like to be getting my results off you.


He is, thankfully mate. Caught it early enough. He’s a pessimistic and dramatic auld cunt, truth be told. He told herself that he was going to die.


+1 on that mate.

It’s the dishonesty that irks me. Masks being a case in point.

I get that there may have been a supply issue earlier on and they wanted healthcare workers to get first dibs on them rather than having to compete for supplies with Breda and Nuala. They could have treated people like adults and asked them not to try to procure medical masks but to feel free to use homemade and/or other cotton yokes.

But instead there were experts regularly being rolled out on Prime Time, Tonight Show etc point blank stating that masks should not be used and they would actually increase the risk of infection as you’d be prone to touching the mouth and moving them around.

Then that evolved to them saying that they didn’t prevent infection but they’d stop you from infecting others and sure why would you bother. Eh, if everyone had the mindset to wear one and try to ensure that others aren’t infected then is that not a good thing?

Add in all the obfuscation, vague responses and downright lies about testing and tracing, response to nursing home outbreaks to name a couple more and then it’s clear…to paraphrase Larry O’Gorman about Gerry Quinn that time…these people need to be taken out and shot.

It’s why we need a Sinn Féin led government actually.


They’d surely have boxes and boxes of balaclavas no longer in use that could be repurposed for masks?


You’re going grand until the last line. But I suppose once you mentioned someone being shot, mentioning Sinn Fein was unavoidable.

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That was the joke.

