Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’ve made a fool of myself on the internet.

There’s no going back now.


I’ve been wearing a mask and gloves every time I’ve been to the shops for the last two months. It was pretty obvious that they’d reduce the risk of infection.

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5 day testing turnaround for my sister. Tested last Thursday morning and result provided yesterday lunchtime. She’s a care worker in a day care centre for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities, where social distancing is practically impossible to enforce.


Cross contaminating everything you touch with gloves, hand sanitiser is far better.

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Tough job, God bless her.


I put sanitiser on the gloves before I go into the shop and I dispose of the gloves when I leave.

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I guarantee you that Charlie Chawke’s places and others will open and as long as they don’t pour pints and just give things in bottles it will be fine. The Oirish can’t be trusted to have pints.

Hope Tiger is keeping well

Tiger is no relation. You can take my word on that.

Varadkar bullshitting above too. The figures haven’t altered materially in the last week or two. If he’s happy to ease restrictions now, then he should have been happy then. Of course, the real issue was they couldn’t organise a proper tracing regime and wanted to buy time. The insincere cunts.

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What about the crazy initial advice that you needed to be in close contact with someone for 15 minutes to catch the virus?

I’d also like to dig up that morning Ireland interview from early in the year where the representative said it was highly unlikely the virus would reach here.

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You have great faith in Breda and Nuala to do the sensible thing, not so long ago they were trying to murder you in the park

That’s still at the bottom of most of the RTEFG reports on the daily briefings.

That would have to include 14 minutes and 30 seconds of foreplay

What difference would pints make? Everywhere with a restaurant will be open and the pints they will be flowing

Chance of the virus spreading between poorly washed glasses.

Bottles or Cans is the way forward.

Because the Irish can’t be trusted

Drink Aware will see this as a good chance to make their move

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Sure you could say the same about knives and forks

Unlike the rest of Europe though who are looking to get kids back to school asap, Ireland are shitting their pants about even allowing children back from September