Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Imagine how bad it’ll be for the kids in countries who can’t leave their house

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Spanish kids had a grand old time not being allowed outside for a month.

Thats fucking grim.

Right if kids don’t carry it and the numbers are declining, surely we can reopen primary schools and creches at least partially, half class sizes split over 2 days each week or something. OPEN IT UP TA FUCK

The Danes think the whole thing is a cod


Finally some insight on this clusterfuck of a sitiuation.

No matter what we do we ultimately can’t outrun the mess that is the HSE

And that mess is down to FF/FG.

That’s it. It was a mess beforehand, thrown in a pile of tests and it’s an even bigger mess now.

This could well be our undoing.

Really pissed me off when Dr Tony pulled up a graph on Monday stating that a questionnaire showed that 43% of the public think the worst is over with Covid. He said that showed that the ‘message still wasn’t getting through!’ People couped up for the last nine weeks and he blames us!! Fuck right off.


Does the HSE report to the Department of Health? I don’t actually think it does.

It stands alone, reports to no one. Mental.

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Whatever about it, successive governments have failed to address the health service and have made it priority to farm it off to the for profit sector.

Our health service is in a permanent state of being overrun. It’ll now have to deal with a backlog of other issues that were put on hold during the lockdown. Unfortunately I think the number of deaths from lockdown will be many multiples of what were caused by the virus itself.

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I’ve seen a few of these types of situations this morning, God it looks awful for the kids, I don’t think many parents will want this outside of real emergency

Everything must change for everything to stay the same.

There was 50 of us in the class one year in Primary School

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There must have been no need for the sod of turf for the fire

It was a townie school. We had radiators. In fact one year one of the lads went to England and brought back a nudie picture out of the Sun or a similar rag. We used to hide that behind the radiator and pass it around when the teacher left the room.


It goes to show just how much bullshit is portrayed for media.

‘There have been challenges but we are improving’
We have gone from a 14 day wait between test and result to a 9 day wait. Still miles off what we need to be

We have ramped up testing to 12,000 a day.
Please don’t ask us about anything that happens after the test.

I have worked in accounting firms where such bullshitting was commonplace, and I partook in it myself. There would be part of you that would feel bad knowing that you or others had fucked up and the wool was being pulled over people’s eyes who deserved better. People over the management of the biggest health crisis in a hundred years - well it seems to just roll off their tongue.

Don’t worry. It will be sorted ‘this week’.

This week is the one I throw out to clients when I’ve no intention of looking at something for ages.

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Hold firm

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