Coronavirus - Close the Airports

“Ya I have that here for you, I just want to be 100% sure it’s right before I send it on, hopefully will get a chance to put aside a few hours to triple check everything*”

*AKA start it


How can there be 277 “suspected cases”?

I thought they’d be tested and given results within 24 hours when in hospital?

They’re lying to us

Dr. Holohan reminds me a bit of Martin O’Neillin post match interviews at this stage.

Constantly trying to justify his own decisions and covering himself rather than providing a vision on how we’ll get out of this.

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That’s lads who’ve got it in jail

I’d be on Dr Holohan’s side if he had to encounter the equivalent of Tony O’Donoghue at the daily press briefings.

Followed by sending out incorrect documents, corrections etc etc

Professional services indeed.

‘I didn’t get that email. It must be a glitch’,

Did anyone see that Professor Mary Codd on Prime Time last night? She’s a UCD academic in public health or something and in charge of the tracing regime out there. It’s one of nine tracing centres around the country. She was being very professional and careful in her choice of words, but it was clear she was fairly exasperated by things.

She said there have been occasions when they’ve had to stand down tracing teams because the flow of information wasn’t coming through to them in a timely basis.

She said it was sometimes difficult to reconcile the amount of new cases being announced on a daily basis with the lack of information coming through to the tracing teams to commence that part of the work, i.e. she said it would be logical to think that large new case numbers would lead to increased tracing activity also, but she said they’ve often been scratching their holes (my words) for days waiting for information to come through.

That Irish Times article referenced above puts some meat on the bones.

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Trust the process lads.

Screenshot from the roadmap on the site. My understanding of this is that I will be able to go walk up mountains next week. I’m assuming the 5k limit on exercise wouldn’t apply here? Or will I only be able to climb a mountain with 5k of my house? I’d imagine a lot of golfing weirdos are in the same boat. Has this been clarified by Il Duce Holohan?

We will be told on Friday to wear masks?

Why wait till Friday if it’s beneficial?

Open the GAA pitches

Hold firm.

Open the rural GAA pitches

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Car parks suggest you can drive.

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There are no masks to be had. We should have been told to wear them from the start. They should be mandatory.

Liam Sheedy has spoken. It’s only a matter of time
