Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Would it not make more sense to start systematically slaughtering the children? That should help reduce the spread. Obviously the executioner would have to be socially distant and wear gloves and masks and the kids would have to be buried without any of their loved ones in attendance but it should flatten the curve another bit. Hold the line lads Dr. Tony has got this all in hand.


The missus is after getting a pay cut. Disappointing as the impression I was getting from her being in the house every waking hour was that she was “doing all the work” whilst the “useless cunts” in other divisions were doing nothing.

Just shows how bad things are getting

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Succinct as ever, old pal. To join the dots for those cheerleading ICU numbers falling from 80 to 73 or whatever and taking everything these proven liars say at face value…

…As long as they’re fannying around with implementing a tracing process using antiquated systems that don’t work or interact with each other, and are relying on army cadets Finbar and Fidelma to manually jot it all down on a checklist, then it doesn’t matter that the numbers are inching down lately.

There’ll be another surge as soon as restrictions are lifted and it will be due to this systems failure as opposed to peoples’ behaviour.

Yet the same chancers will be obfuscating, engaging in whataboutery and vaguely referring to non-compliance in the population to hide their own failures. Breda and Nuala will get the blame yet again.

I was irked the other evening when De Gascun (of all people) tried to deflect from the tracing farce by saying people need to self-isolate for 14 days if they have symptoms. That kind of talk might have been acceptable 6 weeks ago, but they should have a proper tracing system in place by now. You might only get symptoms 5-7 days after infection and it’s not much use if Frank from the army contacts you 9 or 10 days after a close contact has tested positive when you’ve already been going about your business.

I’m seething.


These vaccine merchants need to wake up to reality.

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Frank wasnt inpress8when it said what’s the fucking point my contact was 4 weeks ago :joy:

They seem to think you just automatically wait 18 months and then one will magically appear

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The fucking head of that for a grown man



That’s actually a disgrace

Does she think the whole thing is a codd?

That’s bad news, pal.

As an aside, from the snippets you share on here, it appears that you absolutely despise your missus.

Ah no. Just find being in her company all day everyday grating at times.


Shes probably on fb right now telling Breda and Nuala the same thing about you

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A sign of a healthy relationship.

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You don’t know how lucky you are.

I shouldn’t have mentioned it, mate. Apologies, it’s none of my business anyway, even if she is a right fucking nuisance.

It’s ok mate. Myself and herself are going hurling in the Phoenix Park now as soon as she’s finished work. I’ll try to make any injuries she sustains look like accidents




Sam McConkey recommends hurling as a healthy outdoor pursuit.