Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Would they ever fuck off. It’s a hobby. If you’re worried don’t fucking play.


Leo and Simon will be sending the kids back to school. They’d probably be back already if it wasn’t for lads like this @Horsebox simpleton all over the internet advocating killing all the kids.


If Leo’s saying it you know we should have done it already at this stage

There’s a fair few issues to iron out first it seems. A lot of irish schools are overcrowded shit holes with no hot running water and no money to pay cleaners.

Yes, kill the children to protect the old people. Great idea.

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10 deaths 159 new cases

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All over.

I’m just an ideas man. I leave the details to the keyboard monkeys in sector 7G.


Blow it up ta fuck

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Will be down to double digit cases daily within the week.

Blow it up, it’s done.

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Hold the line lads, 10 years will fly.


Can the elderly not just hurry up and die? Lads are gasping for a pint.

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There have been no dates since the 14th of March where there hasn’t been a death.


The elderly are too bro

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This suggests a mortality rate of 1.35 per cent in Spain.

A nationwide study of more than 60,000 people in Spain suggests about 5% of the population – approximately 2 million people – have had the virus.

According to the provisional results of tests designed by the health ministry and the Carlos III public health institute, 5% of those tested had produced antibodies.

While the prevalence of the antibodies was similar in men and women, it was lower in children and babies.

There were also significant regional variations: while Murcia, Melilla, Asturias and the Canary islands showed an infection rate of less than 2%, the proportion rose to more than 10% in the regions of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha.

As the health minister Salvador Illa made plain on Wednesday evening, the study shows herd immunity has not been achieved.

:rage: Grrrrrr…
Remind me to hunt you down when I’m allowed to travel.


That’s out of kilter with other studies coming out of the US and Germany.

How many old people have died from natural causes at home cocooning ?
