Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Is that a threat?

What did our glorious leader say. I’d imagine he was indignant that someone actually questioned him on something

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No, kid.

I’ve only one left so trying to keep that one alive.

I wonder who Dr Tony’s favourite journalist is? He has them all eating out of his hand.

Virgin Media’s Zara King, Shane Beatty of Newstalk, “Gav” Reilly and RTE’s Bowers and Lee are particular lick arses.

Look after him, kid. Make sure he doesn’t expose himself to the virus because, although it’ll probably drive him demented being cooped up for now, it is the sensible thing to do.

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Don’t tell me I’m after missing financial modeling day again

They are making it up pal. Lovely little pivot table there too.

In the bit I saw, Paul Cullen of the Irish Times (one of the few to challenge them from time to time) had the mic’.

He has this style of throwing a comment out into the ether and he was giving it…”It seems odd that the CEO of the HSE wasn’t informed…”

Holohan did his usual long form corporate speak response and cited “communication challenges” in an evolving situation.

Yer man Cullen jumped on that and said communication challenges was a strange way of putting it and you’d expect the head of the organisation to be made aware of a significant matter.

Holohan jumped in and said “well I’m not going to tell you what words you should use to describe it” or something to that effect. He was fairly tetchy tonight. Body language was less relaxed.

I’d say he’s seething about the Reid letter being released and also about that hospital not reporting their test figures.

The latter was another bone of contention in the press conference, e.g. does that mean there’s been no tracing of 300 confirmed cases in a hospital setting?

This was where trademark Holohan vagueness came into play. He didn’t have the full facts yet. He couldn’t say that contact tracing hadn’t been carried out for these cases. But in hospital rather than community settings, the tracing is carried out by occupational health staff based in the hospital. So, as the information was in the hospital system (albeit not reported to the HSE), there was a good chance tracing was indeed completed. Hooray!

There is NO contact tracing taking place. At least on any level people imagine. None that the person themselves couldn’t do with a WhatsApp message to the people they’ve met in the last few days.
They aren’t finding anyone outside of the people the infected person knows. They aren’t ringing spar and saying Mary was in last week at 2.05 can you check your tapes and see who served her.
It’s pure basic and what you’d hope the people infected would be doing themselves

What other world leader only answers questions positively to journalists that pander their ego?

Mick Ryan from the WHO seems to have given up on it.

Parroting what TFK experts have been saying for months, this virus is not going away and it may never go away.

I was shocked he still thought it going away was a viable option up to now

The contact tracing concept is a load of bollox where things stand now, it should be disposed of. Yeah, maybe it works at the very inception of an outbreak when there are a handful of cases in a very localised place, that’s the window for complete containment. Once it’s as wide and in the community now, it’s a complete waste of time. Eh, if you were in Tescos, Rathmines between April 1 - April 14 you may have covid. It should be dumped as an area to put energy into.


Any minute now the HSE will release the app they decided to develop themselves instead of using one of the already available ones in action elsewhere.
No doubt it will be a flawless bit of code


It’s pointless at this stage.

thats great data because it shows the the rate of decline is constant since around april 15 with some small deviations
it remains to be seen if social distancing was a component to this or if this was just the natural behaviour of the thing, no one will ever know - but in the absence of any other invalidating data it would appear to me if we keep the current lockdown in place we should be down to 0 by end of july if the current trend is followed which there is no reason to suggest it wouldnt be

It’s utter bollox. It might work somewhere like Alaska where there is 1 person per square mile. A new study from the University of Pennsylvania confirms the airborne nature of the virus, ordinary speech releases micro droplets which can linger in the air for at least 8 minutes and are likely infectious. The next restriction will be no talking if near other people.

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I could get on board with that


No time to talk, too busy lashing down pints.