Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That’s one school of thought. But sure another expert will tell you different.

It’ll be back up to 150 cases a day by this time next week. Cunts who wouldn’t know how to hammer a nail will be queued 10-deep outside Woodies in the morning. Flutes will be coming from miles around to wank around golf courses.

The junta will get Harris to say “we told you so” and see that Phase 2 is postponed.

I know lads are lonely but still…


Cork golf courses I presume?


“Mistake”?! :rofl: Bill Gates’ little bootlicker played his part.

Tis fucked, proper fucked.

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No mate. That’s not how viruses work. The entire population will be exposed to the coronavirus at some stage. There is little or nothing that governments can do to prevent it spreading, and a lockdown is about as useful as tits on a bull. Once lockdown restrictions are eased, Covid-19 cases will reappear.

The only realistic way it would burn itself out is if it were much more lethal, like Ebola or even SARS-1. That could happen as it mutates, but a much more likely scenario is that it mutates into a milder form and becomes just another common cold virus.


Larry murphy got me banned from afr the cunt

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Had to travel to London. Every man woman and child given gloves and a mask once in the terminal. Bit late given it was shoulder to shoulder on the bus from tarmac to terminal…

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Bouncy Castle Company in Cork has decided to unilaterally reopen itself for business from today.

Simon Harris was asked if a bouncy castle business can open more than likely due to this. He said the answer is no. Wonder what penalties they’ll face if they drive on.

And rightly so

I feel freer already today lads. We’re going great. Well done each and every one of you.

Pubs reopening in Italy today.

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Opened in Denmark also… They never closed in Sweden. Beaches were packed in Greece this weekend … Poland has hairdressers, cafes and restaurants opened . Most of Spain has stood down also. Italy have hairdressers, beauty salons and restaurants all open… Germany and Portugal have also opened restaurants and cafes.


And we’re told to stay under the bed for another 3 months


Hold the line you cunt…

Easy enough open the hairdressers in Poland with all the square heads.