Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I read somewhere that on average 60,000 people die in Europe each week anyway, Covid or no Covid.

About 5 or 6 weeks ago 90,000 were dying each week.

This has been falling steadily for the past month and we’re now back to 60,000 deaths per week.

Essentially this is over in Europe.

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Mexico have run out of beer lads.

Things could always be a whole lot worse.

Unreal, it’s almost like the lockdown worked


I’m hanging to change the curtains but simon said hold the line

3 more weeks

I’ll be up at 5am at that stage. Sun blaring in. Cant hack this anymore

Sign into the early risers thread for a few weeks.

Maybe a pint will calm my nerves… oh wait

I’m going there in June. This lockdown is over, London was heaving yesterday



Can foreigners enter Poland @balbec?

The border is closed until June 12th I think. Before the border was closed anyone getting in had to quarantine for two weeks. No flights in at the moment. Who cares, the bars are open today!!

London certainly does look to be heaving. :slight_smile:

Savage crowds altogether


Half naked folks everywhere.

Hanging for a bit of sex. You can tell by the way they’re walking

I was sitting in the park yesterday with my top off, I was getting serious attention, men, women, everything, there could be a explosion after this thing

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Social distancing and increased immunity.

As I said before, the Italians locked down 11 weeks ago in Lombardy. They still had 111 and 115 deaths last Thursday and Friday (some fall at the weekend). There’s a bit more going on with this.

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