Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You’d want to be some mug to queue to go into a pub in Ireland.

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Publicans should implement a fast pass payment for quicker entry.

Nothing wrong with a few lads queuing for a few hours to get away from the wife and kids. Everyone deserves a bit of me time.

That’s the equivalent of about 7/8 deaths here regards population, not considering Italy was one of the earliest hit countries as well as population density and our hands on culture probably being added factors.

Not for Lombardy. Lombardy has a population about double Ireland’s.

and dont forget poor hygiene

Yep. I remember our man in Mlian took us to a pub there and there was one toilet between the entire patronage, Male and female.

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Thanks mate. Thanks for sharing expertise like this.

Outside of Ireland and England I have always been surprised at how few bathrooms there are in pubs and restaurants. I was in a large Hard Rock Cafe in the US spread over two floors - must have taken a few hundred patrons and it had one toilet for males and one for females.

Its good to get an alternative view as opposed to, “lock it down forever”.

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Knut is a great name

Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.

Had a routine hospital appointment there and was chatting to the consultant about the virus and I mentioned the herd immunity approach. His look said it all. He stopped short of calling it euthanasia, just. He agreed with the phased reopening to see how it goes. I found myself nodding along to his reasoned and logical rationale. Stay vigilant folks.

Is the consultant a virologist?

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It’s funny how fear feeds on itself, like an engorged tick, ripe with blood and ready to burst.

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Lads ye stay under yer beds and i’ll come and get ye when it’s over

Will you bring the sulky?

Don’t bother coming for me until the pubs are open and there is a good draw on the taps.