Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You’re in a bad place. I’ll leave you be.

The drastic reduction I confirmed cases and deaths has swayed me to the opinion that we could now look at speeding up this roadmap process, we’ve done a stellar job in general and the vast majority of people are still sticking to the rules from what I’ve seen around Limerick,
But we need to see some optimism now from our leadership, I’ve a very anxious 13 year old who is terrified to break the rules even accidentally, we had a few neighbours kids in our front garden yesterday to sing happy birthday to one of mine and eat some cake, the poor girl was beside herself with worry, we hadn’t anticipated it,
I’m certainly not in the OIUTF camp but it’s time to give us a bit more, sensible changes obviously


Children shouldnt been that way, as a parent tho you cant tell her how to break the rules and not get caught either. This has done untold damage to the youth of ireland

My little one is 9 months old now. Hasn’t seen cousins or other kids her own age in months, the mothers around here with kids of a similar age used to have a meet up every Wednesday . I’d be hoping it doesn’t have any detrimental effect on her ability to socialise when things start to open up again; that might sound stupid when she is so young but they pick up everything at this stage.

Relax mate, they’re not seeing people slaughtered in front of their eyes. .

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On a serious note, what are the plans for posters here when the 20km limit is hopefully lifted on July 20th, especially those with family ‘down the country’ (e.g. @bandage). Will the motorways be full come the 20th?
We’re approximately 300km from home, so couldn’t really risk a visit down until those restrictions are lifted. We’re also trying to figure out what we actually do. Usually we stay with my folks or the Mrs’ folks. Her parents’ place is just too small to do any kind of social distancing , whereas my auld fella is well over the 70. We were exploring some AirBnB options our around Killaloe/Ballina as an alternative.
Any ideas folks?

TBH I’d hold off and think government guidance has been good so far

I’ve a haircut and an outdoor Personal Training session lined up today.

Time to get back living lads.

We definitely haven’t done a stellar job in general. This bugs me, just because the neighbours either side of us are worse doesn’t mean we’re good. We don’t do “very well” in international comparisons let alone European ones. On top of that we are a small, rich, and not densely populated island, where the first instances of the virus appeared some time later than most of Europe. We had a lot stacked in our favour and we made a hames of it.


It doesn’t matter how much of a good or bad job we did. All that matters is whether we’re percieved to have done a good or bad job by the majority of people. At the moment that’s definitely that we’ve done well and I wonder is that too entrenched now to change.

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I agree, for all the sacrifices made by the general population the death rate has been way too high. There was no way the HSE were ever going to be able to do a good job on this. The first few weeks of this were a total shambles but it’ll all come out in time. Not implementing border controls was a sign of furthr fuck ups to come.


I agree with that. Wholeheartedly.

I’m 14000kms from home, could be years before I’m back.

It never got into the community in Ireland in any real sense. That’s a success. Every country has struggled with it in residential homes.

Despite the media wanting to now move to a new narrative to sell stories most people think we did a good job. However the rush to criticise any perceived misstep means the exit from lockdown will drag on too long.

The only rule I don’t agree with is the 5km rule. If they are allowing any travel, don’t restrict it. People are social distancing anyway.

I must say it was a huge boost for the head space to get out and play a round of golf yesterday and it was my first time breaking the rules.

I hope your daughter is ok. This is very tough on teens especially.

I’ll get The Border Bull to pick him up in the jeep and load him into the trailer. The cops don’t have jurisdiction to tell him what to do down south. He can then deliver @Horsebox to Mammy.


I’d argue the densely populated part mate. A quarter of our population lives in a tiny area of the east coast and that’s where most of the damage was done.

You sound like a twat.

Covid19 regardless.

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Did it count against us having the EMEA HQ of many MNCs based here, lots of lads in and out of here travelling on international business? … From my observations there’d be a lot of unwashed roasters sent on these gigs…pawing at everything from coffees to kraft beers on their travels…breathing heavy in the tight suit…

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