Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I think the Lockdown worked, it probably came too late though and if it was a couple of weeks earlier, we’d well and truly be past the worst of it for a while now.

The issue is the basket case that is the HSE, it won’t cope with any sort of real spike in the virus so I can see why the government is being cautious (in protecting a government made shambles).

But I do think that they can begin to fast track lifting of some restrictions and drive home the message of social distancing. Obviously stuff like spectator sports and pubs will be out for the long term, I don’t think its feasible to reopen pubs in social distancing regulations, how many can you have in your average small Irish pub at one time - 50 people?

And obviously bringing in something like making feasible WFH a policy until the virus is done.


You are definitely worrying needlessly here. Once she is fed and loved at 9 months nothing else matters a fuck.


From a lad who runs online polls and throws his toys out of the pram. :joy::joy::joy:

We were all around loads of kids at that age and none of us are any good at socialising so I doubt it will have much affect


If they lifted the ridiculous and arbitrary 5km ban which most people are ignoring anyway they could continue on as is with the rest of the program for the time being. I think the whole thing will be brought forward though

I agree with that.

Up north there is no restrictions on how far you can travel now as far as I know.

It would be ideal for a few weekend road trips but the problem is that you will have idiots who will take liberties and that’s why it hasn’t been lifted.

Country should have been split into different zones based on severity. Red, yellow and green. Monaghan, Cavan, Kildare, Dublin etc red. If in a red zone then dont travel to the others and vice versa.

If in a green zone then go where you please as long as you adhere to social distancing


I really don’t know, pal. My parents haven’t seen my boy in person since that Sunday in mid February when Wexford heroically came from behind against the gale force wind to pip Kilkenny in Chadwicks Wexford Park. My goodness, what a display that was.

FaceTime is grand and all, but I can see he’s less attentive as time goes on. They’re becoming less familiar to him as it’s not the same interaction via a screen. It’s heartbreaking for my mother, the poor woman, because the two of them used to absolutely love being in each other’s company.

It’s actually beyond disgraceful that close family relations are prohibited from spending time with each other for another two months, if they live >20km apart, while old before their time, corduroy trouser wearing weirdo acquaintances were able to meet up to play golf since yesterday.

It will be very difficult for children to settle back into crèche too, I imagine. Our lad would often call out the names of his crèche pals in the first few lockdown weeks and we’d use them as a trigger for him too. Time for your nap now…Jess and Finn are already in bed…and so on. But the names no longer register with him - the little lad has forgotten about them. I was out on the green playing ball with him yesterday and one of the crèche employees that minds him walked past and he was very strange with her.

The Chinese and Simon Harris did this.


I don’t understand why they’ve put dates on each phase. Dates don’t matter a fuck and once you set them they’re very hard to shift.

Targets in terms of cases would be a better metric. A rolling average for each phase.

Dates are ridiculous

They don’t want every week to be a constant will they or won’t they I’d imagine. Everyone else is moving forward though and we will be so far behind, that public opinion will move against them.

This is a government run entirely on public opinion rather than any sort of logic, but the media ranks are starting to break the last few days and the tide will turn soon. TFK is just ahead of the curve as normal


That’s not a bad a idea but our testing is such a mess you couldn’t trust them to carry it out. As trump says if we stop testing there’ll be no new cases!

Get him a small dog, a King Charles possibly. He’ll love it, he’ll be in command and it fill fe-focus his attentions. You could name the pooch Banty to draw all sides into it.

I happen to know of a lad who has a litt…

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We are few & far between at the moment but we have our eyes on the prize and faith in the path chosen.

:rofl: :clap:

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I don’t know mate. I’m not watching terrestrial tv because of the incessant pumping of covid messaging and was out in the car yesterday for first time in 2 months and had to turn off the radio. The messaging was fucking scandalous


An outrageous outburst.

Post of the Year. :clap:

You* could drive down pal.

*your life partner

I can’t wait for your farewell party. You need to move aboard soon though, adhering to saving Irish lives is burning you up inside.
