Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Nah kid, Christmas maybe. It would actually kill me

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USA is only dipping it’s toe in the water yet so to speak.

Leo, Simon and the government have done a terrific job and provided tremendous leadership in a time of national crisis. The IRA/SF types and the professional cranks will always carp and have all the answers, no matter what the issue is.

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Could anyone post up this article

29m from championship gate receipts last year, 14m from overall media coverage. I think it’s highly likely the championship will be played in some format. Would make obvious sense to return to club games first.

I’m coming around to the opinion that those death rates are all calculated differently and don’t mean much.

In England if someone dies in hospital with Covid 19 as the suspected cause of death but before the performed a test, it’s my understand that that is not an official Covid 19 death but in Ireland it’s my understand that it is. That’s not even approaching the care home issue.

What about people without health insurance or homeless people in the US - they’re going to be wiped out en masse but will they even be tested? Hiw will their deaths be recorded?

Some countries like Ireland and Italy are trying to maximise the statistics to get on top of the problem, others are trying to minimise the statistics for political reasons.

3rd world and south american countries are testing next to no-one but the only 2 Irish people I know who were infected got it backpacking in Chile.

I’d honestly say the UK death rate would be at least double what it is currently if they used Irish metrics, if not more.

Perhaps another poster might be better informed on this.

Agreed. And if you look at the breakdown of matches very few make money so a condensed championship would still get most of them receipts.

Exactly, and Sky are only focused on the latter stages /biggest matches so possible to still take a significant amount of that income.

Yeah, just give it 5…

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Talk is the plan is to play it on 2017 formats.

I’d strongly disagree. It’ll be a long time before people feel comfortable in a crowd again. I’d say everything will be behind closed doors in 2020 anyway. I’d be surprised if they could even half fill stadiums for the games. The only reason sky got involved with the gaa was because it was on in July/august when they’ve no soccer to cover. There’s also a Q over insurance.


Cant agree with that. If we get the go ahead, lads will be chomping at the bit. Ca you imagine Cork Limerick in puc. Youd litera6have to distribute tickets through clubs

its fundamentally wrong to have any sport played again this year after what everyone is going through

People won’t have a choice imo. Even when things were ropey a month or six weeks ago employers were advising staff to avoid crowds. When people have to decide about the health of their families or their jobs it’ll become an easy decision and even more so when the games will be on tv. I reckon the gaa will look to play a behind closed doors championship in July/august. They don’t want to be going up against soccer in the autumn and banking on crowds showing up in poor weather.

The same lads who are arguing against letting people back to work on a building site are arguing for allowing thousands pack into crowded terraces to watch sport.

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you couldn’t make it up

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Lidl are closed lads.

Social distancing will be in place for a long time. If you went to a game and were unlucky enough to be infected you could be spreading the virus at work for days before anyone would know. I’d be surprised if there’s sport played in front of crowds this year. The big decision the gaa face is when will they run off a behind closed doors championship. September/October won’t suit sky. The pressure will be on.


I don’t think sky will come into the equation even a tiny bit. They don’t give one fuck about gaa. Surely rte put far more money into it and will call the shots if anyone does. Doesnt sound as good though