Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Like anything made in China, this virus will be out of date soon.

I’d be confident we’ll be fully back rocking and rolling by late summer.

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The championships can easily be played next winter or even next spring if needs be. The final doesn’t have to be in 2020.

Don’t all supermarkets close on Easter Sunday?

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The gaa will need sky’s money more than ever if it’s played behind closed doors. For sky and bt to pay the epl the rest of the tv money they have to finish off their seasons as planned. I presume it’ll be the same for the gaa. Any change of structure and sky can probably pull out.

It would be extremely difficult for players but not impossible alright.

I don’t think it would be difficult at all. Sport doesn’t matter hugely in the grand scheme of things and the public and indeed a lot of players would relish championships played on the hoof over the winter with little or no preparation time. A return to true amateur days, as it were, and there would be huge novelty attached.

Players having to put their lives on hold to play inter-county has been a constant bugbear of a lot of people for years now. In a winter championship, they’d just play, with none of the rigmarole.

My tuppence

  • we have no choice but to continue the lock down. When it was introduced we all knew it was going to last til end of April. We had to take extreme measures as an over run of hospitals and A and E would have been catastrophic medically but more importantly almost socially.

  • nursing home deaths are tragic but they are socially acceptable imho. Anybody in a nursing home is fragile and life expectancy is not great. That is not to excuse it and for families involved it is a tragedy to be not with a dying relative in final hours. A cluster of cases and deaths in a primary school for example would be a lot more frightening. Put brutally people expect old people to die. The tragedy is not being surrounded by loved ones and not being allowed to have a funeral/normal grieving process.

  • the lockdown will be relaxed from May but only very gradually and the nice to haves like pubs, GAA etc will be last to come back. Schools will likely look to reopen end of September.

  • the economic effects will be mitigated by the wall of money being thrown at this but the world has to slowly reopen by June or many businesses will never reopen

  • foreign travel and extensive air travel for business high water mark has now passed. That will be a memory we had - multiple foreign trips a year.

  • commercial real estate is also going to be hammered. Remote working works. Better for a lot of people

  • the death of high street retail has been accelerated by this



Many players plan their year around being off for the summer months so they can train. Running an inter county team over the winter and under lights will be very costly for many counties. Players trekking home for training in the winter is hardly ideal. I know they do it for the league but nowhere near to the same extent as they do it for championship. Imo they’d be better off trying to get the 2021 season to be as “normal” as possible.

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lads thinking the pubs will be open in a few months in Ireland :sweat_smile:

The point is though that a lot of the costs would be cut out, you just play. Club championships could be run off simultaneously. It wouldn’t be anything like a normal season with massive preparation. And that’s the attraction.

Cant see how club championship can go ahead. For example in cork, sars v midleton, glen v barrs in first round, both games easily would get 3,000 or more at them. Cant seem how there would be social distancing at them.

No one said the GAA was in trouble. Sure they made serious bank on that land sale alone this year.
The discussion was over whether the GAA would bother playing games behind closed doors. For me it makes no sense for them to do so, as their income comes largely from gate receipts so they’d be better off waiting even if it meant playing the championship in November.
The only discussion around anyone being in trouble was with regard to Cork GAA and sure everyone knows they were already fucked even before this happens so that’s hardly speculation.

This whole thing will be all over by June

Leo is saying we are going to see some of our darkest days as a nation :frowning_face:

The model from the crowd in the US says we’ve passed our peak and deaths will start to fall sharply.

They are all only guessing.

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Exactly, daily numbers the real barometer.

There hasn’t been crowds watching Italian football for a decade anyway.


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Try telling that to the ultras