Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Its killing me the thought that people are so easily panicked and fail to question the people in charge with a track record of cover ups and fuck ups

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There isn’t a problem at your parents surely if you’ve all been self isolating all along?

That weeping vagina of yours is a far bigger worry.

Take a deep breath for yourself, it’s too soon for another rebrand

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The dates create an even bigger will they won’t they, with a 3 week bottleneck. Also people are building expectations on the dates. If one isn’t met there’ll be outrage I’d imagine

Just cos you got rewired in templemore doesn’t mean the rest of us have to comply.


You need a minimum of 3 weeks between phases. We won’t know the impact of the Phase 1 opening until the end of next week at least.


I see Science still hasn’t a scoobies.

You can argue it if you like but it’s not a very big or even a very densely populated city by international standards.

Yeah I’m a massive cunt who cant be sarcastic on the internet

Stop talking common sense young man.

That’s as maybe? But wouldnt that show up in rolling averages. The dates set a concrete, static target.

If they had a dynamic target it would allow them wiggle room without expectation.

Dates are a mistake imo. If the numbers are going up, but aren’t drastic for example, people won’t reconcile losing the upcoming freedoms, in my opinion

It’s all I know.


You were away into the wild from the virus a few weeks ago, now “scandalous” radio ads have you mithered :man_shrugging:t2:

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The HSE did a good job, they cleared beds and got ICU capacity way up. The government did not do a good job overall IMO. The time lag before pubs were closed was strange as was the longer one to restaurants closing, really inexplicable. I don’t see what border controls would have done, I don’t know what other countries shut borders that had a significantly better outcome. Cyprus maybe. The lack of an eye to nursing and care homes is borderline criminal.

“As we move towards a new normal” isn’t a message I want to hear, so I’ve stopped listening.


There ya go, problem solved. No need to be crying about it.

I suppose not, now that you say it.

I think the Mrs is just worried. I’d much rather stay at my folks as there is plenty of space. We could have all meals outdoors if weather is good.

Life moves fast


Worry about your own corner lad. I’ll be grand.

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