Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The HSE is not the one deciding policy, it implements it. Thought you’d know that.

My auld fella sees his granddaughter once a week for a dog walk. No issues but we all wash our hands etc & the child isn’t hanging off him.

Bit of common sense.


He’s happy out sniping away the cunt…

Every man needs an outlet.

Makes sense especially when you know each others movements in the days in between.

FWIW I drove to Waterford and back on an essential journey at the weekend and I didn’t pass a single checkpoint. I also drove from the peninsula to Rathmines and back last night without passing a checkpoint.

Drove from Mid West Tipperary to Rathmore in Kerry last Thursday. Not one squad car or checkpoint passed, in saying that the roads & towns I passed were all very quiet also.

The vast majority of guards are sound about it.

Desolate is the word you are looking for.


Midleton was rammed yesterday

The “Rebels”

The guards have given up because the overtime has been cut.

They are living on the n25 down here. They have a base at the Lakeview roundabout by midleton, they catch a lot of lads heading from the east into cork and vice versa.

Quick check of tax and insurance, where are you off to. Grand. It must be mind numbing for them.

Where are you off to?

Answer. The Opticians

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I drove to galway the weekend even went back through birr and tullamore and was thankfully unmolested.

I had the shopping bags in full view on the back seat in case I got stopped going golfing yesterday and I dressed head to toe in golf gear :joy:

Sure they probably just thought you were a wanker going off doing the shopping


Pity it’s so uncommon. Lads prefer crying and whinging about the goddamn gubbermint rather than figuring stuff out for themselves.

Absolutely. Sure what’s the harm in that?

I suppose herself’s worry was about us being in the house with them day and night, especially if she’s back at work at that stage dealing with the public

If things are looking ok this time next month, I’d be tempted to spin down home myself for a few hours.

It’s a real fear but the hygiene aspect of this is so important.

I still see people chewing on biros, chewing their nails etc. That’s a dangerous habit not to be kicking.