Coronavirus - Close the Airports

This is way different as it doesn’t affect everyone the same. So in a lot of cases it’s actually altruistic as opposed to fear…

Relax mate, he’s in a bad place

There’s a lot of dangerous bastards on here

Are you sure you were ready to come back?

For fellas in their late 30s 40s with small kids there is fuck all difference to their lives really.
The indoor play places like kidzone and the likes being closed probably has the biggest impact


I’d say becoming unemployed has more impact on a lad than the local Fun Galaxy being closed.


Presume this is a wind up ??

There’s grandparents who have grandchildren in America or the Southern hemisphere and might see them for a couple of weeks every 2-3 years. Man up ffs sake


Maybe you should have a rest pal.

I’m zen

Zen is a was living … you dont know you’re zen, you just are. As soon as you claim to be zen, you are no longer zen.

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Was this posted?


Yeah it uploaded ok mate.


I havent paid a penny since mid march

RTE are pumping out shite 24/7, putting the fear of god into people, its fascinating to watch how paranoid the Irish have become, afraid to go outside in case they get killed, the whole thingis a fucking cod, the likes of Harris and Varadkar are loving their new powers along with certain elements of the guards, more people died from the flu last year ffs


RTE are doing great work laying the foundations for the new police state FG want to create, subtle messaging like getting ready for “the new normal” etc, the sheep lapping it up, sitting at home terrified to go outside

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Nation of hypochondriacs. The lowest common denominators were showing to be panic buying in march.

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I’m very disappointied in the Irish people by and large a load of sheep, believing any auld shite, imagine siting at home afraid to go out, surround by 300 rolls of bogroll


This is very true and with no childcare with working from home, you get very very very little downtime for yourself

So the very first sign of this not suiting you down to the ground you are moving more towards opening it up, mate? That’s a good sign really as the rest of the selfish cunts who haven’t really been put out by this at all will all fall into line so as soon as they are put out in any small way. Lads will be slagging you now saying you only want to go to the pub but you’ll be well able for them.


How’s about this for a solution, if people want they can go back to normal while the rest of ye can hide under the bed for another few months

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