Coronavirus - Close the Airports

HSE are a bit late with their monthly returns. Unknown.

Ya mate, this suits me down to the ground alright :+1:
I love a raucous old happy birthday to you song though so now I’m not so sure I like it anymore,

I’m sick of hearing new normal and this will be with us till next year. Evidence is pointing to this virus is beat in the community, only risk is in healthcare settings for the last 3/4 weeks. Hopefully the continent will show we can come out of hiding and back to normal life. Freedom would be great

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Learning from others’ mistakes isn’t a bad strategy but our lads would probably just repeat the mistakes.

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True. And people mightnt agree with it but it’s still logical to let others go first…

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There’s no issue with letting others go first, that’s what we’ve done. The issue is we are talking about doing stuff in August or September that other countries are doing now. Anyway, the court of public opinion is starting to change now so that timetable will start to change along with it.

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Yes early on government resembled Duffy’s :circus_tent: albeit with extra :clown_face: s
, think they’ve avoid handle on it girl the last while, no doubt major compensation claims are on the horizon ref nursing homes etc

Easy to see how lads here would fall into line in a totalitarian State. It’s fascinating to watch.

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This is some societal lesson in cognitive dissonance.

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Well obviously that goes without saying ffs

the auld fella was on the phone there, he’s going ape, he can’t believe the way things are going

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I was referring to someone here said there’s no logic to what they have done thus far. There is. It’s just very conservative. But it’s still logical. Even if I don’t agree with the time frame.

He didn’t approve of your first love then?

rte has a done a great job, all of ye sitting at home like good little boys holding the line. Changing yer instagam and facebook pics to “stay at home staving lifes” shite, like gimps. completely brainwashed

‘Tis easy see how the Catholic Church ran Ireland for so long.

Lads having a BBQ are the new blasphemers and dare not challenge the orthodoxy.

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parroting auld mantras that the stasi have rammed down their throats, being good citizens, there’s a few pricks on here who would ring the guards on their neighbour


Lads who want to live forever but never lived a day in their lives.


Can’t believe folks are still hiding under the bed.



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