Coronavirus - Close the Airports

He must be fierce jealous of you living in a country that has dealt with it so well.

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More twitching curtains?

The publicans have some lobby group.

They took away our freedom of movement without so much as a whimper, they stopped a few pubs from selling takeaway pints and the following day the guards are issuing a grovelling apology.



A few takeaway pints of Guinness is doing no harm.

What if You wanted to sell takeaway pints in the car park of your pub and people decided to bring their own chairs :thinking:

This very question came up in a VFI webinar held earlier today I heard. All perfectly legal subject to your local bi laws on drinking outdoors was the resoonse by all accounts

16 deaths

51 cases


Only a matter of time before someone tries it out you’d imagine

I can help you

You can get away with quite a lot it turns out when there’s a sham GOVT not giving clarity and only offering deliberatley vague guidelines instead. It will remain so until there is an actual Government. Really it’s all a matter of what you can get away with until then

Whoever took that video of the pub in temple bar at the start of this whole thing has almost single handedly destroyed the pub trade in Ireland. It was probably Dr mick Loftus


Well said. Haircuts and outdoor personal training sessions for all.

I’m heading for a ponytail.

55 new cases. This is over. Dragging the ending of the lockdown out to end of the summer is harder and harder to justify.

Strict quarantine on anybody coming into the country. Facemasks. Social distancing. Wash your hands. Get people back to work. WFH if you can.


Lads hiding under a bed won’t restart the economy.

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I have a full days essential nonpaid construction work done there today with a trusty band of volunteers and same again tomorrow


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Who’s not back to work yet? Certain shops and all pubs is it?


You could just add “and borrow tools” to the end and you’d have the full gamut. Full true tho’.

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