Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Anybody who can WFH is told to continue to do so.

Offices unless essential , Gyms, hairdressers, beauty salons, most shops, restaurants, bars, shopping centres, cinemas all closed.

First game of lawn tennis of 2020 scheduled for tomorrow


A lot of journalists must be fearing this thing is fizzling out.


They’ll drag the arse out if it. We’ll now be subject to lessons learned and post Covid 19 recriminations from arts graduates.

Journalism is finished after this crisis. In truth it was finished some time ago.

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I can see Virgin Media doing a big hour long special in the Autumn with Zara King, Shane Beatty and co talking about the 10 week stint in the limelight.

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Advanced warning and global awareness should ensure that we will never get a wave as devastating as this first one again. Humanity is now prepared to shoulder the responsibility and take the now drilled steps and precautions to keep this strain as curtailed as it possibly can. It’s up to the governments of the worlds nations now to protect the most vulnerable and trust the majority to do their part.


Paddy is rising up

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Guards haven’t a notion themselves sure. The licensing laws will get a complete overhaul soon enough

The sister had a game of lawn tennis last night and felt it was an important first step in the road back to normality

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Thanks for the update

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Lol, are there people still not visiting their parents because of this bullshit. Thats just being downright cunts to your folks


I’ll be watching the evening news for your presence. Give a big shout out to us if you get the opportunity. Disinfectant your balls frequently.


Tennis and water sports are the future… You have it all in malahideshire pal…

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A handy excuse not to visit the parents.


That’ll give the unwashed a great old lift seeing the gentry returning to normal activities.

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You’d feel very bad for a cocooned parent in the twilight of their years feeling lonely and neglected because their own kids are afraid of what Simon Harris will say if they pay a visit. Anyone refusing to visit their folks at this point is just being a complete selfish cunt


Other lads will be breaking the rules and loading the car up for the visit to the parents fishing to expedite the Will as cashflows dry up… Disguisting behaviour. After all they done for them.

Whens dogging back?