Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yes, there are entire entire generations being denied their civil liberties here. They won’t put up with this screming Mary shite for much longer

Lidl close every easter Sunday

Mrs ccha was booked in for a hen away trip this weekend. The organisers are now trying to get 20+ on zoom this evening drinking wine. We suggested that it is the one occasion where a flasher gate-crashing would be appropriate.

My condolences

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As I said last week I’m reckoning they are basing those models without allowing for nursing home cases which is where our real problem is. We could have 1,000 plus nursing home deaths that their models don’t allow for?

Leo has said our darkest days are still ahead so he probably has greater insight into the non hospital cases which are coming down the tracks this week.

Any more than 4 on a zoom call is a disaster they’ll spend the night talking over each other. But sure what harm


Send on the zoom link

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And Aldi and Dunnes, fair play their staff deserve a day off too. Tesco’s open, hungry whores


This yoke really is rampant

I already asked and was refused.

The authoritarian, truth-hating nature of all the major countries in the world is being badly exposed by this crisis.

Leo on the 4th of May ,“we are doing a great job, but we must do better, 3 week extension”

Leo three weeks later " the next two weeks are critical"

Leo on the 9th of June “I’m proud of our little nation, but we must try really hard for the next three weeks”

repeat untill Christmas.



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China can say boo to the entire world knowing theres fuckall they will do about it. We need their money

At least it looks like Leo might still have a nation to address. Boris will be able to cram all of uk population into centre court of Wimbledon by the end of June telling them he wants to ‘get corona done’

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We’re in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell… one inch at a time.

I’m changing my mind about Varadkar, I don’t think he has a monkeys, but I could be wrong

A total of 430 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland today.

An additional 297 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by a laboratory in Germany. 14 more deaths are also being reported today. Bringing the total number of cases to 9,655 in the Republic of Ireland.

is that good or bad?