Coronavirus - Close the Airports

A few weeks.

Someone would want to give that dweeb Harris a clatter and tell him to stop trying to fight the virus on Twitter.


It’s very unlike the Gardai in Donegal to victimise a publican.


I read every one of his tweets in his condescending voice.


Stay under the bed mate.


Bill Gates had the cure yesterday - today we’re all fucked.

I’m exposing myself to this daily doing essential work, mate.

Exposing yourself to what kid? Do you work in a nursing home?

What are you doing in China?

My work takes me to all parts of society.

Are there any community transmissions of it in the last few weeks?

Hard to tell until Community testing becomes a thing.

Brilliant. Can you open the gates as you leave each place?

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Ah. I recognise this. It’s the @EwanMcKenna style.

Obviously no need to stop travel to China until this reaches Italy

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This is really awful.

“Despite several appeals for PPE gear throughout March, the home did not receive any shipments from the HSE until after their first confirmed case on April 4th. A week later, three residents had tested positive for the virus, with several others showing symptoms.”