Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What is this “performance” in relation to? How we’ve been “keeping Covid-19 in check”?

Apart maybe from Canada, Ireland has the highest proportion of Covid-19 deaths occurring in care homes. For reasons that have yet to be fully explained and will require formal investigation, the disease ripped through these settings before effective action was taken.

It is next to impossible to prevent deaths in care homes because the residents are in the highest risk category, and also because a lockdown does not work.

That situation has now been stabilised

Yes, because the flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable (e.g. care home residents) dying first as much as the lockdown.

A previously posted article by Swedish epidemiologist, Prof. Johan Giesecke, pointed out that, “as of April 29, 2020, more than half a million people in Stockholm county, Sweden, which is about 20–25% of the population, have been infected. 98–99% of these people are probably unaware or uncertain of having had the infection; they either had symptoms that were severe, but not severe enough for them to go to a hospital and get tested, or no symptoms at all. Serology testing is now supporting these assumptions.”

Mr. Cullen’s article is one for the woeful journalism thread.

This will only be the start of it unfortunately.

Doesn’t work at all? Doesn’t reduce infection spreading?

A lockdown pushes the severe cases into the future.

Performance on number of people dead. We don’t compare well with other European countries.

Do you think that just because an article was posted by an epidemiologist it is a fact? The piece you quoted is speculation.

How come 99% of the people infected have no symptoms, yet when we were testing absolutely everyone with any symptom the detection rate was around 3%.

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A work colleague worked for Kepak before they joined our workplace.

She says that in one of the plants the boning hall is completely shut. They’d be 160 people working in the boning hall and 145 of them have tested positive for the virus.

Shur tis fizzling out.

I haven’t heard of too many people who’ve recovered from the virus saying they want to crack on with reopening the country. It looks likes it scares the bejayous out of anybody that gets it.

Are we wasting our time looking to beat the virus and would we be better off ending capitalism and finding a new system for humanity to exist in?

Yerra didn’t the flu kill more people last year.

Ha! I wouldn’t be qualified to comment on those things at all but it’s interesting I think. The virus more than likely won’t effect them again but they are still terrified by it.

If no vaccine is forthcoming and 90% of people want to live under their bed then surely we need to address the mode of economics/production.

Have you any ideas bro?

I’ve just put forward an idea — we need to change how society functions to allow people hide under their bed.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Now is the optimum time to re-evaluate society and how we protect our him, the Planet.

And this year.

With Tipp as continual holders of Liam? Get to fuck.

No effort is too much, no price too high to prevent that dystopian future


Excuse me.

You one of those mugs that thinks the ordinary flu is worse?