Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Is there a reason you got it or was it something you went out and looked for yourself?

True. In sports terms you have to admire ins longevity and adaptability of the flu. It does it season after season. At the moment covid is like a young upstart bursting on to the scene in a blaze of glory. It remains to be seen if it lasts the course and isn’t just a flash in the pan.

You need to break it down to a remedial level for the simpletons on here. I don’t know how @Thomas_Brady has the patience to engage with them.


That’s a total misrepresentation of what they’re saying.

The distance limit has a rationale but it’s bollocks.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

It’s interesting that Germany has no excess deaths, deaths have actually declined in 2020. It’s also interesting that the three countries with the worst deaths per capita, Spain, Italy and France are reported as low to moderate excess.

The question is not whether lockdowns save lives, the question is whether months long lockdowns were the appropriate response (relative to sensible social distancing, protecting the vulnerable as a priority, etc), and worth the economic and societal damage they have caused. It is possible to consider that question without getting hysterical.

There are lots of things that would save lives. A lockdown every year from December to February would likely save the lives of 50% of those that die from the flu. Banning cigarettes and alcohol would save a lot of lives, many multiples of Covid-19 deaths. Banning cars and especially motorcycles would save lives. According to @Thomas_Brady banning red meat would save lives.

Why don’t we do all those things if all lives matter?


It’s a joke mate.

It’s like choosing a fight between a Parkinsons riddled 70 year old Muhammed Ali or Mike Tyson in his prime. Logic would suggest picking Ali but you’ll always have the odd mentaller that’d go for Tyson.

How many deaths from the seasonal flu have there been in the US in the same time?

I don’t know

A combination of opportunity and being an insider.

To be fair I think they are hot off the presses with this and prob figuring out the best way to deploy them. I think I saw the HSE talking about studies starting shortly on randomised samples and ramp up from there

Flesh out this proper lockdown, mate.

Are you saying that Nursing Home staff should have locked down on site etc?

Siri - what is an internet forum?

cc. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

The TB vaccine (BCG) has been known for many years to be useless.

The world’s biggest trial (conducted in south India) to assess the value of BCG tuberculosis vaccine has made the startling revelation that the vaccine ‘does not give any protection against bacillary forms of tuberculosis.’ The study said to be ‘most exhaustive and meticulous,’ was launched in 1968 by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) with assistance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia.

The incidence of new cases among the BCG vaccinated group was slightly (but statistically insignificantly) higher than in the control group, a finding that led to the conclusion that BCG’s protective effect ‘was zero.’
New Scientist, November 15, 1979

No one does, they estimate it. Either way, even allowing for wild variations in year on year deaths, this seasons estimate is no where near 90 thousand.

The flu season in the US is from fall to winter, peaks from December to January. Deaths are only an estimate, this year’s estimate from the CDC is 24,000 to 62,000. 2019/20 is a mild flu season. It is well known that flu deaths are under reported in the US, as everywhere else I would imagine.

No, they should have been the highest priority for early testing and wearing PPE, along with all hospital staff.

8km? :grinning:

You wouldn’t want to be putting too much faith in those loose estimates.

Agreed, compared to Covid they are unreliable. The CDC guidelines are if someone dies who tested + for Covid it goes on the death certificate, as does someone who dies with symptoms of Covid but wasn’t tested. There is no such rule on flu, patients are often not tested for the flu virus, and what goes on the death cert is the primary cause of death, heart attack, pneumonia, etc.