Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s actually staggering to be still reading almost identical conversations a couple of months apart, big long 500 word posts just rehashing the same old stuff over and over and nobody paying a blind bit of notice.

It’s because there are very few definitive facts known, it’s all conjecture, assumptions and personal opinion. In reality it will be years before the full extent of the virus, the effects of lockdown etc can be quantified.

Almost every single debate on here is a circular argument that has been going on for months.

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Some lads will be able play the 1st and 18th hole but not the 9th and 10th as its beyong the 5km limit. I thought golf course membership is made up mainly of those who should be cocooning and guards anyway.

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I’ll try answer your first point about whether the lockdown was worth it.

I think it was. There was massive amounts of uncertainty and fear around the outbreak at the beginning. Italy was overwhelmed. The knowledge of the virus was assumed. Testing wasnt scaled. There was no evidence of antibody development. The lockdown was to buy time to scale up and prepare and develop knowledge, as well as save lives. Thats all it ever was.

The question remains if enough is known now and done with regards scaling testing and antibody testing to unwind restrictions safely.

The fact still remains that opening up and having to close down will be pretty crippling

What do you mean ‘how bad it could get’ are you not arguing from the start that’s its not as bad as the flu and everyone is overreacting?

What’s the opposite of fascinating to watch?

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You’d be at Thurles Golf Club in 10 mins from Ballinure.

What exactly are you trying to say, bro?


The lockdown has prevented deaths and effectively removed the virus from the community, our dear leader tony said it himself to the dail but this prolonged process thill augest is not needed

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No, that’s not what I’m arguing, now or from the start. This an extremely serious disease for the elderly and those with underlying conditions like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and other pulmonary diseases. They should have been the focus in terms of protecting them from infection.

Sorry I got that one wrong. How do you know so much about it?

Katherine Zappone in the Dáil today and on Prime Time last week is reminiscent of the uninterested employee that’s working out their notice period. She couldn’t possibly be any more disengaged on this childcare for healthcare workers topic.

What happened to contract tracing?

WHO are saying schools should open and our government are after postponing the leaving cert.

Shambolic stuff.

Agreed given we got off to such a late start, and the virus had already spread so far and so fast that a lockdown was necessary to prevent the risk of the healthcare system getting overloaded. Once this did not happen, the lockdowns should have been lifted and replaced by sensible social distancing guidelines, and priority given to protect the vulnerable. The latter should have been the first priority, if it had been we wouldn’t have seen the carnage in nursing homes throughout the western world.

The economy is already crippled, and a lot more than most people realize.

So much about what?

You could argue that the call needed to be made on the leaving cert, it may seem premature now but they couldn’t have continued to kick the can down the road as they say, it’s a joke of an exam anyway, hopefully this will give some impetus to it being properly overhauled

Joke of an exam it maybe, but you’d feel sorry for the kids who killed themselves up until last week and are now in complete limbo.

The decision was a premature one if all the primary schools are being advised to go back.

Schools are being advised to open with strict social distance guidelines. Did you see the VT from France of kids playing in they yard in their own designated chalk box?

The leaving cert should have been shit canned when they shit canned the junior cert. The logistics of holding them with social distancing would have been quite difficult I’d imagine.

The compromise of giving people grades based on performance is about the only real alternative to not sitting.

If they aren’t happy with the grade they’ll get a chance to resit the exam at a later date.

I’d have been fucked. I did fuck all for a year and a half and then crammed like fuck for the leaving

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Serious question is she allowed speak in the dail if she wasnt elected to the current dail? Same for Ross