Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Any numbers in today yet?

Brexit is the headline on the news now.

Covid 19 is done.


Great I might start watching the news again soon so.

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Its been called out now though thay this virus doesnt really affect youngsters, so there should be no need to socially distance primary school kids.

Thats if you can believe a word thay comes out from the WHO.

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Was down at aldi in Blackpool there, big queue for woodies but I was more surprised there was a massive queue for argos. How are argos allowed open?

Cunts. These fuckers have no skin in the game. They know if the catch it they’ll get a mild illness and they are thousands of miles from their parents and grandparents so nothing they do here will impact them.

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The whole corona virus etc? You seem to know an unbelievable amount about it and be very sure that you’re right. It’s a very niche subject to be an expert on before a couple of months ago

Labane is always right. Far right.


A bit Irish in your reaction there.

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They’re not out partying in your back garden.

Any figures today @Copper_pipe ?

Not yet

Were they playing volleyball? Without the Olympics I need my fix

Here, our own crowd were having street parties in the estates weeks ago. Having no “skin” in this says more about you than the Brazilians.

The Leaving Cert should have gone ahead at the end of July, which is still two months away.

We are on top of this thing now, the numbers infected daily have plummeted. It was incredibly premature to pull the exams. They made a rod for their own back by hastily jumping in and abandoning it. “Well if the exams can’t go ahead, the schools can’t re-open, sport can’t resume etc.” Politicians terrified of making a brave call.

The government responded to a mood swing on twitter, led by the likes of that Fianna Fáil ape Thomas Byrne.

Look at the queues for Woodies and McDonalds in recent days. Would students sat in an exam hall, well distanced from those in front, beside and behind them, be much more likely to contract anything?

All the schools had to do was have the exam hall deep cleaned at the end of each day and insist no loitering of students before or after the exams. You walk straight into the exam hall and sit down to commence it, you get up and leave when finished. Have the invigilators in PPE equipment if needs be.

They went with the cowardly option, all under the guise of ‘elf n safety’. There has never been a government or set of Ministers so beholden to public opinion or certain elements within it. It’ll be some other cause next week and they’ll respond accordingly to that too.


They are cunts too.

The 3 stooges Varadkar, Harris & Dr Doom will have us back in full lock down by the second week of June. It’s a near certainty.

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All for a bit of flu, ffs.

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The kids (maybe parents) couldn’t accept not knowing what the story was, you can have some sympathy with that, the situation is a lot brighter now than it was when that decision was made, it’s hard to be over critical, we’ve a situation now that is less than ideal for everybody except the poindexters, but the exam is a joke, this could be a silver lining