Coronavirus - Close the Airports

When this spikes in the next fortnight which it will, they will panic like fuck.

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How will it spike and fellas still hiding under their beds?

Twill spike again towards the end of the year like the normal flu, hopefully there will be a bit more common sense at that stage.

That or Moderna might give us a vaccine. I wouldnt hold my breath for that though or go first for the shot

Every now and then you’re reminded just how much this whole thing has turned the world upside down. Was scrolling through the RTÉ headlines just there. May you live in interesting times indeed.

I’ll be in the “restaurant” most nights in June

“I’ll go for a purple Snack starter, a Manhattan chayse and unyon main, and eh, two pints please”


I just think it was incredibly premature to cancel it, 10 or 11 weeks out from the rescheduled dates.

The political will wasn’t there to make a brave call - “the exams are going ahead.”

Can you guarantee the safety of each student? No, obviously not. In the same way you can’t 100% guarantee the health of anybody who works or visits a Woodies or McDonalds.

This bloody virus is here to stay. We have to accept it’s here to stay and adjust our behaviour accordingly. That doesn’t mean shutting down our state exams, most businesses and pretty much every social norm we’ve ever known.

Sorry for sounding all John Waters and Gemma O’Doherty but when you see Italy, which has been absolutely ravaged, re-opening pubs and hair dressers, while we’re hunting lads from golf courses who live more than 5k away, is just crazy.

We’ve all made sacrifices, there isn’t a person in the country unaffected but enough is enough. Accelerate the return to some semblance of normality and avoid the economy going off a cliff and all the problems this prolonged and excessive lockdown is having on everyone.


There’s no one forcing anyone to go outside, if you don’t feel safe to do so for health reasons thats your choice etc. Free will and movement of people across the country is a basic thing that should not be locked down, especially as we now know this is just like any other flu really.

Wouldn’t we be better off these cunts were shoved off to work instead of crowding beaches earning €350 to do it

The pod system could have been used for at risk students depending on their personal circumstances. The rest can be lumped into the hall. Children are fine. The regular ole bags who supervise will be raging missing out on the handy number, which now be doe by cash strapped college students. Win win

Have any Gardai, dunnes, supervalu or Aldi staff died from this?

I’m sure we’d know if they had - OIUTF.


Coveney on RTÉ One now. An interview about Brexit and border controls.

Customs is the tricky area he said. EU sceptical about no customs infrastructure.

Who would have thought we would be glad to be back discussing Brexit.

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Same lads are there most weeks I go. Meeting hundreds of people a day and seems to be no clusters.

What’s difference between a hardware shop and a home wares shop in terms of being allowed open or not.

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It was a pure cop out to cancel the exams across the board.

Just took the easy option.

I dunno, just sticking with the leaving cert, you’d be forcing the kids into exam halls where true social distancing couldn’t be properly achievable, I had new insight into this the other day with my own daughter, I hadn’t realised just how anxious she was about the whole thing, she was grand all along because we were keeping to ourselves and her grandparents were (to her knowledge) doing all they could in their already isolated spot, but when we had a few local kids in the garden for a happy birthday song she lost it a bit,
Leaving certs are already anxious because of the prehistoric nature of the exam, many would probably not cope well with being herded into halls and expected to produce their best,

They should be deported, everyone of the cunts.

Scared that teachers would be up in arms looking for hazard pay

It would have been a bit unfair to the children who’s home environment might not have been conducive to learning too.


You should pass this important information onto Richard.

Surely they could spread the leaving certs across a school in a safe manner if a few extra teachers came out of their caves/bakerys.

I just think its wrong, fair enough the LC is a blunt instrument, but - whats the alternative for this years group?

Very pertinent question for DEIS schools it seems too.