Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I am by no means sure I am right on anything, just giving my opinion. It’s a topic I have great interest in, as it has massive impact on our futures and our children’s futures. It’s the most significant world event in our lifetimes, unless we have any survivors of WWII among us. How governments react to it in terms of the balance between health and impact on the economy is absolutely vital. I firmly believe they are bullshitting their way through it.

If we only listened to the doctors, then we would stay in lockdown until a vaccine is found which could be one year, two years, or never. The virus is not going away, so the argument to stay in lockdown is as valid now or in six months as it was last week. Politicians are afraid of their lives as they are now trapped by their own initial under reaction which led to unnecessary deaths, and then over reaction which is destroying the economy.

The most firm opinion I have in all this is it will go down as one of the biggest fuck ups in recent human history, and make 2008/09 look like a picnic in comparison. Time will tell.

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11 deaths.
64 cases.

Only 18 more days and we’ll be allowed buy cushions


11 deaths

64 cases

@TreatyStones beat me to it Grrrr


In the same sense you are a champagne socialist?

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Would you normally have a test sit on your can of paint and perhaps rub the can too to get a feel for it?

More scared of ending up in court if teenagers got sick is more realistic I’d imagine.


Any talk of speeding up exit plans?

The lads who were under the bed for the last number of weeks have moved onto curtain twitching.


In fairness it’s was probably a handful of Brazilian crackers and then a load of paddys flooding in to have a perv…

I think Harris hinted that phases could be merged if the numbers were low

Sure that was a massive reason. A good few teachers have said it. Now they get a chance to reward hard working students who wouldn’t have been able to do a tap of study given their home circumstances. Like every single thing in this there are pros and cons. It’s good craic taking a hardline position on a forum and ridiculing the decisions made but in reality nothing about this is black and white.


Yeah. Harris said OIUTF earlier.

I called a halt to this nonsense tonight… BBQ with in-laws, no social distancing whatsoever. Shook hands and kissed cheeks . Fuck this bollixology.


When was this? The HSE guy kinda ruled it out earlier at the presser.

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You called a halt in March ffs


La-di-fucking-dah :kissing_heart:

Is that the traditional Lakota greeting mate?

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I read it on RTE earlier but sure Harris hasn’t a clue either way

Good they roll out the pic of hot looking comically stupid at least

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