Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m going down to Limerick to have a pint with @Julio_Geordio in June he’s called this nonsense out from the start
PS Julio mightn’t want to go for a pint with me😳

The head on that cunt.


I’d say Harris is livid they didn’t use a photo of him of him with his jacket off and shirt sleeves rolled up.

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Anytime kid :pint:

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The pubs will be open with the restaurants.


I was out in Sandycove earlier and it was thronged. I heard very few Brazilian accents I must say.

He was behind the curve a bit but not the worst.

There were a few of us that called out this shambles, fraud, facade, charade, deception from the start but the vast majority hid under the bed when taking a break from baking banana bread.

There are still a few left like those Japanese soldiers fighting WW2 30 years later but these types can’t be helped.


What’s hold the line in Japanese?



Sure I’m sure there’s a neighbour going playing golf 6km away that they can report


The hikikoromi on here will be able to answer that.

You reckoned the UK cost lives by binning the herd immunity approach. You’ve no more a clue than the likes of @anon7035031.

You’ve mentioned this before. Can you pull up the post where I said that?

You’re misrepresnting what I said through ignorance or stupidity (odds on it’s the latter) but sure fire it up and we can see.

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My money is on both.

Incorrect, nobody has said that. Going for herd immunity quickly was always going to result in more deaths in the short term. The final tally of deaths and death rates in various countries remains to be seen, but countries that achieve herd immunity faster are at an advantage of getting back to some semblance of normal.

The main issue @Enrique, @ironmoth and myself are talking about is the impact of shutting down the global economy. The deaths the lockdown for as long as it takes crowd don’t want to consider are the deaths due to economic collapse, and the impact on society in terms of depression, suicide, crime, etc. In terms of GDP contraction, we are already at -30% in the US for Q2 (I suspect Europe is worse). The last time we saw that kind of collapse was 1929 - 1933.

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The latest from the CDC is that the virus is not spread easily by touching surfaces and the primary mode of infection is being close to an infected person.

No doubt this will change back next week.

For 15 minutes?

Or 2 hours?

Liberal media won’t recognise Florida’s success


But that wouldn’t suit all the sanitation experts that have popped up all over the country selling the solution(literally).

It’s hard to see how a virus could live for 4 days on cardboard alright.