Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Why couldn’t they just increase the exam halls and no of invigilators? Surely there are plenty of community halls and locals sports halls across the country that could have catered for it? There’s plenty of teachers being paid by the state for doing nothing that could have been redeployed as invigilators during this. A bit of logistical planning could have seen it go ahead.

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Surely crime is at an all time low though?

With no junior cert wouldn’t they already have had plenty of class rooms? I can’t imagine any of the teachers wanted this to be honest.

Anyway guys, I feel if we’d be better served rounding on Science and how it continues to look like a bigger mug as every day passes?

Where’s the vaccine?
Where’s the antibody testing?
Why can’t they tell us how infectious it actually is and what the breakdown generally is between symptomatic and asyptomatic?
What’s the story with immunity?

It looks like the cat has got the tongue of the smartest kid in the class.

I doubt teachers wanted this. But they have been very good at road blocking any other options as they were suggested. Every teachers union rep on the radio was brilliant at shooting things down. Very little in the way of suggestions though…

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That’s this week’s best guess from them is it? Cool.


:clap::clap: This is the bit I don’t get… All the science and technology, all the platforms available for experts to communicate with each other… Yet here we are 7 months in and there’s still more questions than answers.

Trust the Investment bankers


absolutely not

We’ll have to get lads out from under the bed so.

They ruined the economy 10 years ago but that’s one fancy looking graph that agrees with what I say. OIUTF

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Jamie Dimon is a different cat.

Ah we definitely would be better served.

We need an era of hardcore communism, the gulags would certain sort the men from the poofters.

Should always be the first port of call when acquiring impartial and objective points of view :exploding_head:

Again. Why do you think this? We categorically have not.

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The Telegraph (the Telegraph!!!) reports research today which suggests that if the UK had introduced lockdown a week earlier, “24,000 lives could have been saved.”

But, but, lockdowns don’t work?!” cc @anon7035031 @ironmoth

I’m officially withdrawing my support for the NPHET. My initial praise stands as we had no idea what was happening but it’s now likely that we can keep the virus under control with public awareness of hygiene, social distancing and people taking personal responsibility. We still have a chance to rescue the economy if we take action now. If we carry on as we are we’ll never recover and our grandkids will be paying the bill for lads to sit in watching Netflix and waxing lyrical about Michael Jordan’s high school career.

Statement ends.



This is it. The virus took hold initially because it was circulating well before people took whole sale preventative action. The lockdown, which I also believe was the correct action, has reset the button on that, so we should be able to open far quicker once the proper measures are in place. It’s economic insanity that many businesses are looking at remaining closed until the middle of June and July. Any business where social distancing and proper hand hygiene can be maintained should be opening at the end of this month.


49 in ICU

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