Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Homestore and more have decided to open up. You wont be able to dickey up in the inside of the house with new curtains but you’ll be able to do the outside with their hardware products. You wont be able to buy table and chairs for the inside of your house but will for the outside or patio area. You wont be able to buy cooking ascessories for indoor eating but will for outdoor.


Makes sense

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Homestore and more businesses are just going to start opening up. It will be like the old “Plan B” at Croke Park, once enough break the line they’ll just stand back and let them at it.

Countries with a successful lockdown seem to be going back to normal earlier than those that didn’t. New Zealand, Norway and Denmark.

Interesting forecasts here. Ireland 96% of the way through our outbreak and 92% of deaths as well.

The graphics are nice too.

Yeah true, once pub/“restaurants” open up there will be some selling an easy single with dennys ham between 2 slices of toast. The game is up.

Covid19 will really separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of industries.

Your average fitness instructor, artisan cafe, mindfulness guru and by extension the instagram influencers who plug these frauds are done.

Look the virus has obviously been terrible but there are some things to be grateful for.

Its fizzling out.

Gym members, can you hear me gym members?

Your industry has taken one helluva beating.


Sweden’s economy just as fucked as everywhere else, and no indicators of a swifter recovery, despite a soft lockdown.

Reopening was always going to be a very slow process once there was lockdown. It needs to be careful.

Nights out look to be quite grim for the rest of the year. No mingling, no shifting, no dancing, no music. Rooted to your table for the evening. You’d wonder will people even bother much after the initial novelty of being able to head out again.

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You need to stop believing everything you see on Prime Time


You’d feel sorry for the young 'uns but nothing stays the same. Be interesting to see if there have been spikes in countries that have opened up.

I’m not massively keeping up to date with news and stuff on all this as its all getting tedious, but would the decision to cancel the exams be more in line with the timeline leading up to them rather than the social distancing aspect of actually completing the exams?

I know if I was told in early March that I wasnt going back into school again until the exams and any learning I would do would be online and off my own back, then I’d have done shit. Being in school, in the environment and with teachers doing the work and preparation for the exams is more important than the actual social distancing aspect of the exams themselves. If schools couldnt go back 2 months beforehand, which they cant, then that to me was more of a factor than the logistics of exam halls and social distancing.

The biggest thing about the whole leaving cert was that no matter what happened, it was going to be a fuck up. So the choice was to try pick the least worst option. I think there was a lot of pissing and moaning out of students and parents about it all, and there still is, but there was a lot going on where exams were not the biggest priority. It may have been the biggest thing for them on a personal level, but as everyone loves tweeting at exam time, the leaving cert isnt the be all and end all.

They now have their predicted grades and those who are not happy with that can sit. It was the least worst option available.


Once the colleges come back I imagine there will be a huge upswing in house parties. Students probably won’t even bother with pubs in those conditions.

Be no harm if the pub culture changed here for good.

Hopefully the habit is broken for lads who go into the local 7 nights a week and piss everything they have up against the Jack’s wall, and the publican happy taking everything they have off them

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Except for Spain, Italy etc who are also coming out of lockdown quickly?

Sitting down at the bar was all I did on a night out anyway.

Unless you’re under 30 you’d have no reason to be at the latter.

I see numbers in Iran have shot up since the easing of the lockdown.