Coronavirus - Close the Airports

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Leo genuinely sounds like he believes the ‘unfair’ Covid payment was designed and implemented by somebody else.


Doesn’t matter how much it cost. It was good value, or some said it was anyway even though they didn’t know the cost.

He was a fan of pretending someone else was responsible when he was minister for health too

I highlighted this week’s ago pal… If you are registered as a sole trader of any description and you apply (basically give no more than your PPS number) they give you 350 per week regardless if you are earning not near that.

Surely they could have just said you had to give 4 previous payslips or something to claim it? Obviously not at the start when it was rushed in but within a few weeks

I think they know ball park how much it costs but when asked today Harris said he has requested to be briefed on a breakdown of the costs and hasn’t had time so far as he was too busy making sure everyone would have a ventilator who needed one and he will never ever EVER compromise on that or make apologies for saving 39,000 lives.

Yes Leo was basically hoisted on his own petard today.

Did he tweet that?

It’s like Margaret Thatcher tut tutting about all the unemployed coal miners.

It’s in an exchange with Paul Murphy today in the Dail. Harris appeared nervous. Murphy has written to the Ceann Comhairle to make Harris answer some questions that he has refused to answer. I dont have much time for Murphy but at least there is some voice across the chamber asking the questions that need to be asked. He asked reasonable questions that anyone would like to know.

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Dont agree with his policies too left but at least he has the balls to demand answers. Leo and Simon cant keep their lies straight

What was he asking about?

I don’t have any faith that we have the right people in the right positions to make the right decisions. We’ve been told (and several posters have been touting the same line) that “if one person dies it’s too many”, and that is simply not true. It’s not real. “If we don’t have a vaccine, we can’t open up”. Nonsense. Trying to mitigate for every last risk that we face on a daily basis is a very dangerous concept, but people are falling for it, hook, line and sinker. I’ve got news for you guys: Life is a risk.


The contract with the private hospitals and how come we are paying on average 4 times more per bed than in the UK.

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We’ll be locking down every flu season now

That would be class if we could lock down for a few weeks every year. No need to go out talking to cunts. Be a grand break from it all

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55% of deaths are in nursing homes. They were all avoidable. Blood is on the medical dictatorship hands along with the economy due to their attempt to cover it up with this lockdown

Cover what up?

100% of that 55% are dead because of Leo and Tony.

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