Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The mentallers are fuming that certain countries have dealt very well with this virus. They’d prefer if the elderly were decimated in every country so they could say ‘I was right, lockdown doesn’t work’ on the internet.

RTE piling on the misery with the second wave talk now on Prime Time


Constant scare mongering. I have given up watching RTE. I’d suggest others do the same for their own sanity.


All part of the dictatorship.

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I haven’t watched it in 6 weeks.


Prime Time ending the day with another dose of misery in case you might have thought things were improving.

The fuck up of nursing homes. They were clearly the most high risk area from what we knew about the virus from china and italy yet there was nothing done until the middle of march. Some homes took their own precautions earlier and have faired better. Even after the problem started the government were slow to assist private nursing homes with staff and PPE. Everyone in lockdown, we’re all in it together, wear the green jersey, hold the line rhetoric targeted at the healthy saying we are high risk is bollix. The at risk people weren’t looked after. Us healthy under 60s will get a bad flu and mostly likely be fine


It’s only May and they are already killing off thousands next winter.

They are gutted the daily rates of infection are down to less than 100.

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Rte have been playing the misery for weeks putting the fear of god into people

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Utter doomporn

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Less people of social welfare is a benefit for Leo. Pensioners are cheating us all, drawing stamps they earned over the years of building this country from a piss poor shit hole.

There is actually some good news out there. No major increases in European countries that have exited lockdown over the past month and eased restrictions.

Not that you’d know it listening to RTE.


Whatever ones stance on this lockdown, it’s all but over now. Kilkenny was heaving yesterday.

Why are they lying to us about masks and have lied to us from the start?

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“Failed better”
I presume you meant to write “Faired better”?

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Thanks you are correct, I put the sexy in dyslexia


R is below 1. If it rises again then introduce some restrictions again. We’re being made to keep taking medicine when we are not sick.

The risk curve is fluid and the measures have to be equally flexible.

Good point. Unfortunately there are many people certainly around my parents vintage who watch Prime Time along with late late show along with news slots. They are absorbing these narratives and doomsday scenarios all the time. How can we have anything relating to a normal society when they have people at their wits end and consumed by fear. Where are these people supposed to hear the good news stories and positive outcomes.

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People dying and suffering from all sorts of issues and diseases because of hospital restrictions and society lockdown: No one bats an eyelid

An 85 year old with a dodgy ticker and on their last legs dies with covid: Lock it down ta fuck! No one should die with covid! Not one death!

@mikehunt and the usual facebook simpletons