Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You see these poor people commenting on the journal, between the weasel harris and saying dr tony is a hero. Unfortunately brainwashed. No wonder we’ve had a hundred years of ffg. I had this arguement with my 85 year old grandfather as to why people are voting sinn fein

The lack of smear tests in april will kill more women unfortunately. Time is everything when the results come back with markers for cancer

Not an issue for Tony H (MD)

The lockdown wasn’t a cover up for that.

China doesn’t have many nursing homes, stop spreading fake news.

The issue in European nursing homes as a whole became clear in late March.

It was intuitive that it was a risk area, however, the guidance from the WHO was 15% in hospitals and nearly 4% of deaths. The actual warnings from Italy suggested overran hospitals and potentially mass deaths given how infectious it was becoming. Every country was attempting to marshall limited resources on what they thought was going to hit a huge % of the population.

Mistakes were made in nursing homes but don’t be a captain hindsight. That doesn’t mean you don’t change your course of action now based on emerging evidence.

If we were able to act in hindsight, we’d have obviously targeted nursing homes with limited resources. Of course we’d have hoped to not have had those limited resources for testing and PPE in the first place. And we’d probably have reconsidered our entire nursing home model. Most European countries are having that conversation right now.


R was below 1 before the lockdown according to his own figures.


You’re 100% right on what you said.Some were flippant where as others were on the ball.Such as…
Temp checks when at entrance to start their shifts.
Uniform changed into at start and end of shift at the NH.
Change over of mask and gloves after exiting each and every individual room (60 room average in most NH’s
Supplying all staff with a daily supply of high strength Vitamin D tablets
Staggered breaks for staff
15 minute intervals of disinfectant administration to door handles,light switches etc.
All day and every day for weeks and that’s not even discussing the self isolation they do when they go home.All for €10.10 an hour,for the majority,remember.
Those people that are devoted to the care of the elderly and are doing what I’ve detailed above,deserve nothing but the height of admiration and respect.Be they Irish,Eastern European,Indian or whatever.
Decent,proper people.


Look we haven’t ended with an Italy or Spain type situation and people are entitled to be angry at that.


This Professor Cormican chap has caused this whole 2 hour close contact panic that’s now being debunked by AK47 and the great Sam McConkey on Prime Time. Cormican’s the same lad that was strongly arguing against the wearing of face masks a few weeks back on multiple media platforms. :man_shrugging:

Never said anything about nursing homes in china. China and italy said early on there was a much higher death rate in the 60 plus bracket. It was called out the nursing homes were a big risk in early march. You actually think Leo’s spin machine wouldnt try to hide the fuck ups around an election. Mistakes were made, of fucking course, clearly in a pandemic of any kind a nursing home would be the highest risk yet government didnt give guidance on a ban of visitors till mid march. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to realise that. Almost 1000 dead, died without their families, without funerals where many of that age would be deeply religious. Its inexcusable. Unfortunately there probably will be no tribunal like the cervical check.

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My own grandfather was moved from a hospital to nursing home weekend before paddy’s day as they needed to free up beds as they were expecting the surge. He went to a nursing home that was locked down for 3 weeks. Room on his own and nurses getting changed from overalls everytime came in. No visitors. We haven’t seen him since February bit have had phone contact we had to but him his own phone as there is no phone sharing. From contact tracking he was in contact with a confirmed case in the hospital. He was isolated and tested. Came back negative. That home has had no cases. As opposed to others with less restrictions having 10 plus in the area


Few lads need to relax a wee bit. Nearly there.

Yes 15% hospitalisations and nearly 4% across wider society. Over 60s are more than just nursing homes. The fear was for 10s of thousands needing hospitals at once, ie community transmission.

To properly stop nursing homes at the start we needed to physically lock the elderly in their rooms, stop hospital visits, lock employees in and stop all outsiders coming in without PPE, and lots of luck.

Basically, not easy. And hence why European countries have failed across the board on this.

That’s good to hear.He may be lonely but he’s safe and that’s the main thing.

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Fear based on the imperial model that has been debunked. Across europe it has differed massively on how nursing homes were handled. Europe is opening up better or worse than us. Why are we still following bad modelling and striking fear into the public via rte. Theres something rotten in Denmark and we’re the danes

Debunked since.

So thanks for the hindsight.

Thanks all hes missing is cards and a pint so hes better off. He is also high risk with underlying conditions so probably best place atm

We are still using it.

Yes and I’ve criticised that.

But that’s not what I was responded to from you.

What’s your problem so? I pointed out the many failings of the caretaker government in this pandemic? Their fuck ups cost lives? Their previous fuck ups that have cost the lives of many women? Their attempts to downplay them and claim it’s out of their hands? Not holding anyone accountable to those and those same people are making the decisions now? Hindsight is great as form is a good indicator that they are making a balls of this and will in the future. Should we expect competence in our leaders or allow them spend millions in our taxes to spread their spin to hide the above. Or use our publically funded broadcaster to frighten people under their beds?

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You need to relax mate. You’re overthinking it.