Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I tried zen, mind was too clear. Need a hurling championship to distract me

I know for a fact that these wholesale at twenty quid in small numbers. Likely a lot less for superdrug. The cnuts.

You need something alright

Have you been drinking?

You said the lockdown was a cover up.

It wasn’t. It was a decision made based on advice of the time. That doesn’t excuse Ireland or other Western nations being ill prepared for a pandemic of this nature at all. And it doesn’t excuse an overall conservative approach now that there is more evidence out there and the cost to the economy is clear.

I’ve lots of sympathy for your grandfather in a nursing home. I’ve been there and don’t know how people are managing it right now having them locked away. It is actually inhuman to continue that and something needs to be done quicker for families and patients to get some visitors in. It’s not an easy situation for anyone, including policy markers. There isn’t an easy answer to that, even for the OIUTF crew.

I never said it was a cover up. Mid March right thing to do but this nonsense of keeping it going is bollix. Hide under the bed if you want. Leave people make their won choices. But peddling we’re all in it together crap is clearly cover the fact that there is now known clusters mostly isolated in nursing homes and hospitals among staff. Yea all western nations were ill prepared but we had more time to react and plan for high risk areas. Thanks for the sympathy we were lucky with the home. Having them locked away is horrible but the disease getting into homes was preventable. The spread within that setting was preventable. All homes have procedures for flu and vomiting bugs which could have been applied if directed earlier

Lots of creeping determinism creeping into the thread now.


[Clare Athletics]

we have received an email from Clare County Council in relation to a group of athletes with two coaches that were training in Lees road running track and not observing the guidelines laid down by athletics Ireland for a return to training,
It is imperative that all athletes coaches and clubs study the guidelines laid down and adhere to them strictly for the health and welfare of all athletes coaches and their extended families.

What the fuck has Ireland turned into? a nation of fucking rats and informers, FG must be delighted the waythis has panned out, cunts complaining about people travelling an extra mile to play golf, its actually disgusting


What’s the secret to the Aussies managing this so well?

Yeah FG have really encouraged the over zealous informant types cc Patrick O Donnovan. In Germany they would be called denunziant. There is surely an Irish equivalent.

Blueshirts love a bit of zero tolerance. They were founded on it.


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You need to chill bro

It has turned into a servile nation of bootlickers. Anyone calling for a stronger sense of independence and national pride is screamed down by the permanently outraged. 60 years ago, people would have had the chutzpah to stand up and say “fuck this, I’m going back to work”. Today, polls show that nearly 70% of people would prefer to lose their job than return to work and risk contracting a virus. The theatres stayed open during the Battle of Britain, ffs

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There is. It’s rat bastards.

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Like they stood up to the catholic church?..


This is a beautifully romanticised idea you have of Ireland. What play did you see it in?

I can’t think of any people in human history less likely to stand up for themselves than the Irish of 60 years ago :sweat_smile:. Classic trump MAGA type shite


I don’t think they’d have hidden under the bed for fear of catching a virus.

You’re in a bad way here tbf. Probably best shake it off and come back again.

Good article. It will be hard to unring the clanging bells of doom.

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