Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Economy’s rise, economy’s fall. Relax mate.

We’ve always been a nation of rats. There wasn’t a rebellion in our history that wasn’t ratted out by some tout


The exact same can be said for viruses, mate.

Economy’s falling causes deaths. A lot of deaths, we should lock the country down until it’s fixed


And we’re moving along the steps to recovery. Hold the line

No, that would be foolish. A gradual return to the new normal is what’s required.

The new normal.

The new normal is the old normal, except we’ll all be talking about what a cod the whole thing was for the next decade, while we are paying more taxes

That’ll be a part of the new normal

Everything must change for everything to stay the same.

Bang on. That Holohan could even call for a detention period like that in a democracy is absurd in the extreme.

This lockdown will be the greatest mistake in Irish history since Strongbow was invited over. Economic collapse will cause far more deaths than this virus ever could


Detaining people who are perceived as problematic ie. mick on his holidays. Not like this has happened before. Dice bar were onto something

Leinster boys on both occasions.

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100 deaths in Oz and only 7k cases… Amazing what happens with this flu when you protect the old…


They obliterated lives with their fuck ups. My sis in law has had to walk away from her cafe after putting blood, sweat and tears into it for three years… thousands more like her all over the country. All because of a flu :roll_eyes:


We are in a very precarious position now with all other non covid related illnesses. I’m surprised we have not heard more from private consultants.

Steady on mate

I strongly suspect that the motive here is financial when it boils down to it.

Plenty of supports out there now, all totally lost?

The biggest issue right now is the embarrassingly conservative reopening plan and the 2m rule. The WHO, who we are are apparently following, are suggesting 1m…not big enough for Tony though. That simple rule makes businesses even less viable and adds €€€ to construction that will by itself cause a number of big ticket projects to be canned (notwithstanding the general economic conditions that will impact on construction).

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What are the steps to recovery?