Coronavirus - Close the Airports

With the restrictions it just wouldn’t be viable… Be putting in long hours for nothing really.

I was exaggerating for effect I suppose.

But this is disastrous, and getting worse the longer it goes on.

Sure can’t they stay closed and watch Netflix

The Irish always had plenty of informers.


As soon as this Virus hit the economy was fucked. You stupid bastard. Every economy has been fucked.

The lockdown saved lives while the economy was being bent over a barrel anyway.

I disagree. I think the projected deaths were artificially high.

I also think we could have a very similar amount of deaths without the lockdown but by just encouraging the social distancing, good hand hygiene and closing nursing homes. I also think that would have mitigated the damage to the economy. Kept more off the 350 and back at work.


the projected deaths were wrong but to think the lockdown hasn’t saved lives is just pure an utter stupidity.

There was no mitigation for the economy. It was fucked.

lads the roof has blown off my shed
is woodies in navan open for timber? or is chadwicks a better option

The projected deaths were at a time when Italy was running up over 1,000 deaths per day and Spain was on a similar path.
Nobody had experienced anything like this before, it’s easy to look back afterwards and say the figures were artificially high.


Yes at the time. And I can see why a brief lockdown was put in while everything was up in the air. But to use the projected deaths still and say the lockdown saved tens of thousands is wrong, for me anyway

To address @EstebanSexface’s point. I think everything that could be done to salvage the economy should be done. Keeping a few thousand in work was definitely worth it. Economic collapses kill thousands of people, both in the medium and long term.

That’s completely different to what you are saying.

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Well it’s what I was trying to say.

Both are open, long queues outside woodies yesterday anyway. Chadwicks the best option for that stuff I’d imagine.

the economic collapse was signed sealed and delivered when the pandemic was announced.

we didn’t really have a full lockdown per sé. We could go out and about much more than other places. A lot of people stayed in work, wfh, and places that were deemed essential.

What you are basically arguing for is more deaths from having no lockdown at all to save an economy that was fucked anyway and couldn’t be saved.

what kind of timber are you looking for?

I have a chainsaw if you’re stuck.

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Mentallers over in NZ removing party leaders because there weren’t enough people killed.

Please support Chadwicks, one of Wexford GAA’s main sponsors.


I was party to some chit chat with someone who is responsible for planning the reopening of a large office. Basically the 2m is making it impossible and you’re looking at 50% occupancy at BEST but it’s more likely you’ll only be able to use one in three desks. Going down to 1m or even 1.5m would make a huge difference.

Invited over by a Wexford man iirc