Coronavirus - Close the Airports

WHO guidance is 1m, you’ll be sound

Its fizzling out.


if the numbers keep falling they’ll have to merge phases.

The pubs are open across Europe and the numbers are still falling everywhere.

I’m incredibly optimistic this thing is done.

Great news for those with a serious CD collection

Are we up to date with testing or are recent numbers still from tests carried out a few weeks back?

I haven’t a bulls notion

Me neither, gave up on it weeks ago when it was clear this wave was over.

Any talk of moving to provincial /regional process for the 2nd wave whereby we just lock down regions instead of the country?

There isn’t enough transparency beyond what they won’t be doing. There isn’t much will

A few less desk jockeys will make not an iota of difference to anyone bar the jockeys themselves.


Just bought a takeaway coffee for the first time since March 11. This thing is done.


I thought you tipped into Insomnia in Killester last month. Anyway, nice to enjoy the old normal.

I just referenced that I was glad to see Insomnia had reopened, but I hadn’t ventured inside as I usually pass it when jogging or walking my son in the buggy. We’re still at the phase where it’s frowned upon to go into shops or supermarkets with children so I didn’t go inside. I was out to pick up some stuff in the chemist and to buy petroleum when I realised I had a massive bundle of twenties in my wallet. I was stumped until I recalled I took @tallback ‘s advice in early March to take out cash in case there was a run on the banks/ATM machines.


On the schools front, France had to close some schools after reopening them in Paris because of partial outbreaks again.

Yeats absolutely rearing into Dr Tony there

Are you sure that’s not prenderpill?

The doctor is getting it from all sides alright. He has shown signs of cracking yet the politicians are happy sleepwalking along with whatever, their priority is clear -Don’t be the ones left holding the buck. That is the central premise of the ongoing Govts talk right now, you’re a fool to believe otherwise. There has been a complete abdication of decision making and current focus squarely on playing hero ball. Yeats is 100% correct on this despite what Breda and Nuala read on fb today

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Before this virus a lot of companies were actually looking at ways to make workdesks/pods smaller to fit more people in the rooms in offices due to the cost of renting office space…some had already pre ordered the smaller desks…

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Ask Frankie McB, :grin:

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That’s a fucking disgrace. You put in all that hard work and then gone because of a mass hysteria and politicians too afraid to lead and make decisions. I don’t really like you but I wish her well and really hope her business recovers.