Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It would have gotten in there before any testing was done, and even if all the staff were tested visitors were only recently stopped I think?

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Staff, deliveries, cleaners etc etc.

Most Nursing Homes I know of actually stopped families visiting over 3 weeks ago.
Look, it could well be brought in by family members too depending on rules in place.

As you said, itā€™s not good enough at all though. Thereā€™ll be a clamour now to blame the government but most nursing homes are privately owned soā€¦

The only way to stop it really is to have the carers isolate with them. ie live in there for two months or however long. I donā€™t see many willing to do that.

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It seems to me that people in nursing homes are the most vulnerable people to die and this is being shown by number of deaths in the area so far.

But they were left the same as any others when measures needed to be put in place to specifically protect them.

As has been said, they are mainly private but I still think they have been failed by the system.

They should have been remunerated enough to do so.

Horsey Mick came back from Cheltenham with a few headshcarfs for the mother that he bought off in a boutique in Cheltenham. He strolled into Shannon on Saturday morning, ate the fry in Gort, fueled up and took a shite in Quinns in Labane.

As he was turning down for nursing home he blesshed himself passing the graveyard and then started to feel the beads of sweat on his large forehead. He pulled in and took off the jumper and open the belt a notch. Feeling much better he rambled into the nursing home and gave a bear hug to the little Philippino lady who was helping his mother with a bowl of porridge. Iā€™ll take over says Horsey Mick as he gave a good stir to the bowl and gave a glance to his beaming motherā€¦

Look at the dainty little horsh shoes on them shcarves he says.


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horsey mick is going to kill tens of thousands, but sure look, the craic was mighty at Cheltenham


A right Dā€™arcy of cunts. Average IQ of 57

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The covid 19 champion hurdle


Jesus fucking Christ.


They all snorting coke in the jacks off infected surfaces. The horsey set is riddled with the stuff


Cheltenham 2020 will be remembered as a serious tragic event, like the Heysel stadium disaster or the Irish famine


I love horse racing, but I will never forgive them for this

God be with the days of Istabraq and Florida Pearl

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Sure he drinking all day then playing cards all night
Slobbering all over the place, no personal hygiene at all. Roaring and shouting like a yahoo.
The horsey set need to be hauled over the coals for this.

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Will we ever see crowds like it again. Imagine being in the terrace in thurles and some yokel spitting down the back of your neck when this is over?

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Or Cusack Park for that matter

I lolzed at this.


its going to be a reset of society, of social norms, no harm only the Italians are dirtier than the Irish.

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