Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They’re going to change the social distancing from 2 metres back to 1 metre.

It will depend on who you know

It’s absolute bullshit.

So it’s finally dawned on you that FG are a shower of lying, manipulative cunts. Fair play to you for admitting you were wrong. Takes a big man to do that.


Relax bro

Heres one for the zenned out curtain twitching shitbrick brigade. If it’s not safe for children who are at minimal risk, to go back to school now, when is it going to be safe for their grandparents, at optimal risk in their last remaining years, to do anything? Should they just wait to die alone?


My auld lad was out cutting ditches today.

Drive on

Nice for your auld lad to have some ditches to cut. Not every auld lad is so lucky. But so long as your auld lad is happy the rest can go and die in misery I guess

Also you are wilfully avoiding the point. Please address it rather than telling us how great a position your privileged ‘auld lad cutting ditches’ is so blessed to find himself in

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He worked hard for that privilege, show a bit of respect.

People in Nursing homes worked hard too. They deserved better, no?

I know plenty in nursing homes tipping along grand. Bed of heaven to those we’ve lost. May the lord hold them close.

I’d respect your own ‘auld fella’ more than to speak upon other with that drivel

He speaks for himself but he wouldn’t be one for the forums.

Give him my regards. You still ignore the original point I see

I will, he’ll be happy to hear from you.

Great. He’ll be delighted to hear you brought him up on the INTERNET not to make any point whatsoever

Ah I doubt he’d be too bothered.

You’ve made him proud enough for one night, wouldn’t be pushing it now

I like to think he’s proud of me every day.