Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Those that died alone in Nursing homes were proud of their children too no doubt. The point above, I’ll repeat it just for you because I appreciate you’re from the midlands


Not sure what the midlands has to do with this?

Makes sense. For midlands folk a lockdown is generally an upgrade on existence

Jesus why are you wasting time with that dim witted crater. He’s Zen don’t you know. Basically bland boring with nothing of interest to say. An awful waste of words. Millions of them actually. You’re worse for engaging him truth be told. I’d say he’s delighted with himself with that nothing exchange.


Are you porting here long?

There’s a bit of momentum building around getting the 2m down to 1m. It would be a game changer for pubs and might give them some hope of getting a bit of trade through the doors. If there’s one lobby group we can rely on to influence government policy it’s the VFI.


If you think your standard work desk is 1.4m then a reduction to 1m would see a lot of offices automatically in compliance, which would be huge.

It would get my missus back in the office. I don’t think the importantance of that can be overstated


Yes. It would make a huge difference to offices, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, theatres. The need to make a decision soon as many business are trying to set up for this 2m horseshit.

There’s also a nice bit of pressure building on them to relax some of the restrictions around kids.

It would be great to go to 1m but would show the whole thing up to be just doing something for the sake of it too. Who goes within less than 1m of anyone except their own family or partner anyway? Would be basically normal life except for no shaking hands.


Mrs’ birthday yesterday… Get together last night in Mrs o Sullivan’s house. Pizza, wine and not a fuck given…shove your junta up your arse, it’s time for the butcher Holohan to go.


Postponed pal, your 51st is the new Christmas, for real

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He could hardly wait for the useless son to cut them could he?


If it’s reduced to a metre they might as well forget about it.

Over the course of this time it’s become apparent it’s the weak who are cracking first.

Happy birthday to princess btw.

If the WHO are happy with 1m it’s hard to justify the 2m much longer

Agreed. The lads hiding under their bed need help… Hopefully the strong showing them they’ve nothing to fear will lead them back to the light.

You’re actually keeping the country going. Rearing kids, educating our kids, spending money in the economy, living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Savage example of Corkness bud. Fuck the begrudgers

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I’d say there’s still plenty to fear for you in that house

Wexford has this beat

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