Coronavirus - Close the Airports

One or two lads around here this morning who need to have a long hard look at themselves

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Big time. An oul pile on for @backinatracksuit a good family man. Bullies the lot of em


Fair play. The people of Wexford held the line. Time to advance their exit from lockdown. We need to section the country accordingly.

Myself and another half million Dubs will be down in July to rain on this parade.


When they do look in the mirror they don’t see tracksuit, that’s why they lash out.

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Type of clowns we have to put up with courtesy of a dopey Irish electorate

A shoot on sight policy might not go astray too @padjo

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Democratically elected representatives.

That sounds very like OIUTF

Sadly the behaviour of others means they can’t. It’s a shame, if we all held the line we’d be almost ready to go in a few short weeks.

There’s no way there was different behaviour in wexford than anywhere else.

Profound. Profoundly true

Davy Fitz knew so he did when he took that job

You seem awfully certain.

56 clicks, ye horny bastards

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Guilty as fuck

My employer has placed an order for face masks so that every employee will be provided with 2 face masks each to wear in work.

You cant be too careful in Cork


There’s savage money to be made selling fire pits made out of the steel wheels.

They’re a right job