Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’d actually say that 1m is horseshit. Look,it either is needed, in which case 2m,or it isn’t, and just let everyone who’s happy to accept a small risk back at it.
The 1m thing is a fucking joke, and typical of a govt of cowards who sway like reeds with the prevailing wind.

Harris announces establishment of Covid-19 nursing home expert panel

3 months and 900 deaths too late

Holohan the butcher
Harris the angle of death
Leo the hangman

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Cheers mate, there’s a few lads here who think they know an awful lot about me and whatever they think seems to drive them absolutely bananas, I’m just doing my best to stay positive,
Getting a bit of exercise and baking with the kids in my spare time is hardly that bad? The internet isn’t a good place for some fellas


Will they be called to answer for this or will we lie down and leave them off Scott free?

Agreed. Fellas need an intervention if it’s not too late.

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@Pikeman and @McGeady1916 are organizing checkpoints as we speak


Sounds like they moved them to the nearest nursing home before they died.

Ya left out the word grinder there

I heard on the radio earlier pearse Doherty arguing for the 1m and Leo ruling it out and saying 2m is here to stay. The battle lines are drawn only sf will be putting theirs a bit closer

All these guidelines appear to be pulled out of some doctors arse (their heads are still up there though). 2m, 1m, 15 minutes as a contact, cant spend more than 2 hours in a room. 2km from home which is now 5km, wearing masking is useless now there is guidelines months after the spike. Making it up as they go along. We have had 5 months to study this virus and we still know fuck all

Went into the market in Limerick earlier… Was fair fucking grim. Only a handful of stalls, queue to get in there. The queuing for shops will put people off going once they reopen

Absolutely. I’m losing confidence in the whole thing by the day. This is a particularly ridiculous one though. How can the experts in the WHO differ so completely with the Irish experts over such a crucial issue.

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Dont know who’s worse, WHO could have prevented the spread by challenging china rather than praising them. As for our own experts there has been enough said

I think Ireland are following the ECDC guideline which is 2 metres.

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We will be at 1m once the english push it through

Cos they have had nothing to lose by taking a conservative approach to (unproven) recommendations. The reality is that’s it is still early days for this virus. Nobody knows for sure all the facts about it. Not the scientists or medical folk and certainly not some clowns on the Internet here :joy:. Everyone is an expert with hindsight of course.

Saying all that, from my limited knowledge the signs seem fairly positive in relation to anti bodies and immunity etc.


Risking your life for some sun dried tomatoes

It’s all about the fancy cheese