Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I consider myself an expert, and by expert I mean I argue with people on the internet based on my point if view and grossly underqualifed to do so. As far as I’m concerned this forum has as much knowledge (both LIDTF & OIUTF) as the lads with half the alphabet after their names on the telly. So based on that OIUTF



Mary-Lou packing people into halls in the middle of a viral pandemic :joy::joy:. You couldn’t make it up


I would be inclined to do the exact opposite of anything they do over there


Interestingly Germany is 1.5m and the Scandinavian countries are 1m

Connacht Tribune - Galway City Tribune

1 hr ·

Galway City Council has announced that due to lack of social distancing and following the advice of the Gardaí, St Nicholas’s market has been closed early today.
“The safe operation of the market will be reviewed in the coming days,” the Council said.

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor

You would swear they were on top of each other.

It was the 2 kids in the buggy wot did it

Social distance gone mad innit

Send them all into Tesco


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The fear now is people will just avoid each other for fear of having business shut

The curtain twitchers were ringing the station in Galway all morning apparently. Got it shut down by lunch time.

The current situation is like Christmas and Disney World all wrapped into one for the nosey and busy bodies in society.


This social distancing will turn all humans into soulless vessels in short time, maybe that’s what they want.


I’m starting to hate this man


76 new cases, 13 deaths.

Only starting

A joke

How many ‘regular’ deaths?